Vývoj společenstva ektomykorhizních hub horských smrčin NP Šumava poškozených kůrovcem
Main topic in English
Title according to student
Vývoj společenstva ektomykorhizních hub na 4 trvalých plochách horských smrčin NP a CHKO Šumava narušených disturbancemi
English title as given by the student
Development of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at 4 plots in the disturbed mountain spruce forests in the National Park and Protected Landscape Area Šumava
Práce se zabývá vývojem společenstva ektomykorhizních hub vybraných ploch horských smrčin NP a CHKO Šumava poškozených disturbancemi, a to zejména diturbancemi kůrovcem a větrem.
Annotation in English
The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at 4 study plot in mountain spruce forests after different level of disturbances located in National Park and Protected Area Šumava
Práce se zabývá vývojem společenstva ektomykorhizních hub vybraných ploch horských smrčin NP a CHKO Šumava poškozených disturbancemi, a to zejména diturbancemi kůrovcem a větrem.
Annotation in English
The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at 4 study plot in mountain spruce forests after different level of disturbances located in National Park and Protected Area Šumava