Biota on post-mining areas is a well-examined topic in restoration ecology. However, most scientific attention focuses on large-scale opencast mining sites or spoil heaps. This study attempts to offer an insight into ecological conditions on a unique ecosystem represented by dump sites after uranium mining, using birds as a study group. We examined differences in bird abundance, species richness, community structure and habitat preferences between nine moderately sized dump sites and eight control areas. Our study can function as a pilot survey of birds of uranium mining sites, offering a broad overview of population-level effects of hostile conditions. Our findings can guide restoration practices with respect to this specific type of ecosystem.
Annotation in English
Biota on post-mining areas is a well-examined topic in restoration ecology. However, most scientific attention focuses on large-scale opencast mining sites or spoil heaps. This study attempts to offer an insight into ecological conditions on a unique ecosystem represented by dump sites after uranium mining, using birds as a study group. We examined differences in bird abundance, species richness, community structure and habitat preferences between nine moderately sized dump sites and eight control areas. Our study can function as a pilot survey of birds of uranium mining sites, offering a broad overview of population-level effects of hostile conditions. Our findings can guide restoration practices with respect to this specific type of ecosystem.
Birds, post-industrial site, uranium mining, community structure, vegetation characteristics, species richness
Keywords in English
Birds, post-industrial site, uranium mining, community structure, vegetation characteristics
Length of the covering note
Biota on post-mining areas is a well-examined topic in restoration ecology. However, most scientific attention focuses on large-scale opencast mining sites or spoil heaps. This study attempts to offer an insight into ecological conditions on a unique ecosystem represented by dump sites after uranium mining, using birds as a study group. We examined differences in bird abundance, species richness, community structure and habitat preferences between nine moderately sized dump sites and eight control areas. Our study can function as a pilot survey of birds of uranium mining sites, offering a broad overview of population-level effects of hostile conditions. Our findings can guide restoration practices with respect to this specific type of ecosystem.
Annotation in English
Biota on post-mining areas is a well-examined topic in restoration ecology. However, most scientific attention focuses on large-scale opencast mining sites or spoil heaps. This study attempts to offer an insight into ecological conditions on a unique ecosystem represented by dump sites after uranium mining, using birds as a study group. We examined differences in bird abundance, species richness, community structure and habitat preferences between nine moderately sized dump sites and eight control areas. Our study can function as a pilot survey of birds of uranium mining sites, offering a broad overview of population-level effects of hostile conditions. Our findings can guide restoration practices with respect to this specific type of ecosystem.
Birds, post-industrial site, uranium mining, community structure, vegetation characteristics, species richness
Keywords in English
Birds, post-industrial site, uranium mining, community structure, vegetation characteristics
J.Riegert přečetl školitelský posudek, P.Veselý a O.Sedláček přečetli oponentské posudky.
Jak je to s druhovou bohatostí, ochranářskou hodnotou společenstev živočichů/obratlovců/ptáků nebo výskytem vzácných druhů podél sukcesní řady/cyklu?
Jsou preferovány druhy zemědělské krajiny - ale proti čemu? Obývá je málo druhů - oproti čemu? Jsou haldy mimořádným biotopem pro vzácná společenstva hodná ochrany nebo se jedná o ekologickou past a bylo by dobré je zrekultivovat nebo dokonce odstranit? Jak se měřila plocha studované oblasti, když se jedná o kužel navršené horniny? Brala se v potaz pouze plocha „náhorní plošiny“ nebo je to plocha základny? Byly studovány i svahy? Jak byly vybírány kontrolní lokality? Dělal jste nějaká měření radioaktivity? Proč probíhal monitoring ptáků na haldách v jiný rok než na kontrolních plochách? Co jste čekali od kontrol?
J.Zrzavý: To co Vám vyšlo, bylo překvapení?
Komise zasedla ve složení: P.Veselý,O.Sedláček,R.Fuchs,O.Říčan,R.šumbera,J.Zrzavý,F.Sedláček,M.Konečná. P.Linhart byl omluven.