komise se sešla ve složení Oldřich Nedvěd, Jan Riegert, Jiří Schlaghamerský, Pável Mátos, Zdeněk Fric, oponenti Gunnar Brehm, Ladislav Bocák.
13.30 introduction O.N., introduction of the student by supervisor Vojtěch Novotný
presentation 13.40-14.10, short evaluation by VN
14.14.GB: evaluation including defense of classical insect collections; then questions (?) and answers (=):
? molecular errors = need to increase sequencing deapth; ? horseshoe shape of elevational response = horshoe shape typical for PCA, can be avoided by DCA; ? light trapping specific for families, how to correct? = no baited traps because of logistics; ? what says abundance ? = rather activity pattern, not simple presence, light still useful for comparison when everything else is same. ? what are the new most interesting questions from the thesis? = how affected are less mobile species, changes of moth community with climate change; = similar metabarcoding would be important at Mt. Kinabalu.
14.32: LB: - experience from PNG - mixture of two faunas, = favourite for metabarcoding only after documented specimens are saved in collections, OTU at 2% distance of COI are not species, - using 1/2 COI is not appropriate for delimitation of species, - nice data, big data and analysis, ? molecular species concept ? = barcoding rely on existing reference libraries.
14.53: members of committee - JS ? - fragmentation of forest in PNG, is road important for moths? = heavy logging between villages, moth may still find food source;
ZF ? habitat associations of moths = only 4 species in disturbed habitat, other s prefer pristine
PM ? Janzen hypothesis supported in mountains? = no answer;
audience: Martin Volf: ? in 1st chapter no overdispersion, how intense competition = abundance of food sources important;
Scott Miller - comment that Ibalim made good estimation of species, BINs are useful for Lepidoptera!
GB agree that databases make Lepidoptera useful for barcoding.