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Information on operation restrictions at the USB - 9. 10. 2020

Dear colleagues and students,

on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 997 from October 8, 2020, on the adoption of a crisis measure, operations of higher education institutions are restricted in such a way that personal attendance of students during instruction while studying at a higher education institution and the attendance of participants in courses of lifelong learning are prohibited effective from October 12, 2020, to October 25, 2020. Participation in clinical and practical instruction of students of healthcare degree programmes is permitted.

At the USB, we shall apply this directive in the way that buildings of the USB remain open and only the collective in-person instruction shall be substituted by a different way of instruction. Exams and also individual study and educational activities as well as activities related to performing employment activities of students at USB facilities (consultations, self-studying at the library, working on research projects and graduation theses, work at laboratories etc.) are permitted, while it is necessary to respect the current ordinances (respiratory tract protection).

The Academic Library of the USB and Dormitories & Refectories of the USB remain in operation (current operation arrangements are directed by the directives of the Director of the Academic Library and the D&R Director).

Elections to the Academic Senate of the USB are also to be held as announced. The elections will take place on Thursday, October 15, 2020, from 10:00 to 16:00 and Friday, October 16, 2020, from 8:00 to 14:00 as well as in compliance with sanitary measures.

In connection with previously announced general principles for providing instruction in WS 2020/21, we wish to remind you that:

  • The educator is responsible for finding an alternative way of instruction after a possible consultation with the subject guarantor, head of the guaranteeing department and guarantors of affected degree programmes.
  • It is necessary that educators inform students without delay and in writing (via a bulk email through IS STAG or another established and reliable way for the subject in question) the substitute way of instruction and about potential updates to relevant requirements for students.
  • The timetable of the substitute way of instruction should correspond with the standard timetable of instruction unless there is an objective reason for a change. In any case, it is necessary to exclude colliding timetable requirements for students.
  • The university systems as LMS Moodle (e-learning) and MS Teams are designated for the realisation of distance education. Educators should not burden students with other systems for the support of instruction if the instruction can be ensured using the abovementioned systems and if there is not a compelling reason related to the nature of the subject studied. It is necessary to ensure that undue overwhelming of students by technological demands of multiple parallelly studied subjects does not occur.

Clinical and practical instruction and practical training of students of healthcare degree programmes remain unchanged, i.e. activities continue while respecting relevant directives (respiratory tract protection). In the case of an arising necessity of a substitute way of instruction, educators shall decide as per currently available options (see above).

In the case that the circumstances change, along with the binding regulations that the USB must follow, we will inform you again. Should the newly announced conditions not change, the USB will return to the current manner of instruction on Monday, October 26.

prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Dr.

PaedDr. Petr Bauman, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

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