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Double/joint degrees

The University of South Bohemia offers eleven double and joint degree programmes, including three bachelor's degree programmes and eight master's degree programmes. These programmes have been accredited at the USB Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Economics. The USB Faculties of Fisheries and Protection of Water, Health and Social Sciences, Theology, and Agriculture and Technology do not yet have accredited joint/double degree programmes. However, the preparation of such programmes is already underway at some of these faculties.

Would you like to know more about the double/joint programmes? Have a look at our blog on our student life web


USB Faculty of Arts

Programme: Sprach- und Textwissensschaften / Philology: German Language and Literature
Partner organisations: Universität Passau, Germany  
Length of studies: 6 semesters of which the last 2 semesters take place at the partner institution
Programme type: bachelor’s

Programme: Langues étrangères appliquées – anglais et espagnol ou anglais et allemand, spécialité ‘Commerce international’ / Philology: French or Spanish for European and International Business
Partner organisations: Université Bretagne Sud, France
Length of studies: 6 semesters of which the last 2 semesters take place at the partner institution
Programme type: bachelor’s

Programme: Sciences du langage, spécialité Signes, Discours et Société / Romance Philology: French Philology
Partner organisations: Université Paris Cité, France
Length of studies: 4 semesters of which the last 2 semesters take place at the partner institution
Programme type: consecutive master’s

Programme: Sciences du langage et Didactique des Langues : Lexique, Texte et Discours / Romance Philology: French Philology
Partner organisations: Université de Lorraine, Metz, Francie
Length of studies: 4 semesters – 1st  and 2nd semester of studies take place at the home university of the student; the instruction in the 3rd semester of the studies takes place at Université de Lorraine, UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales; 4th semester takes place according to the choice of the student (focus primarily on completing the graduation thesis) Lectures of guest professors take place throughout both years.
Programme type: consecutive master’s

Programme: Lingue, letterature e culture straniere - Scienze del linguaggio, terminologie e tipologie dei testi / Romance Philology: Italian Philology
Partner organisations: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy
Length of studies: 4 semesters of which the last 2 semesters take place at the partner institution
Programme type: consecutive master’s

Programme: Máster Universitario en la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera nebo Máster Universitario en Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana. Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada nebo Máster Universitario en Gestión del Patrimonio Textual y Humanidades Digitales / Romance Philology: Spanish Philology
Partner organisations: Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Length of studies: 4 semesters of which the last 2 semesters take place at the partner institution
Programme type: consecutive master’s

USB Faculty of Science

Programme: Biochemistry/ Biochemistry – Biological Chemistry
Partner organisations: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria 
Length of studies: 6 semesters  
Programme type: bachelor’s

Programme: Biochemistry/Biochemistry – Biological Chemistry
Partner organisations: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria 
Length of studies: 5 semesters

Programme type: consecutive master’s

Programme: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (MAID)
Partner organisations: Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Germany 
Length of studies: 4 semesters  
Programme type: consecutive master’s


USB Faculty of Economics:

Programme: Regional and European Project Management
Partner organisations: Université de Bretagne-Sud (UBS) in France and Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (WHZ) in Germany
Length of studies: 4 semesters  
Programme type: consecutive master’s

USB Faculty of Education:

Programme: European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR)
Partner organisations: 9 partners in total – Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sudan, Uganda, South Africa, India
Length of studies: 4 semesters  
Programme type: consecutive master’s

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