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Technology transfer

Collaboration between the University and the commercial sector

The Academic Centre for the Transfer of Technology at the University of South Bohemia has served as an intermediary between professional experts from the University of South Bohemia and businesses since 2012.

Working in a medical institution requires a lot of patience and responsibility. That's why the integration of modern technologies in the working process can incredibly ease it. The blog article, which can be found here, provides a great example of how it's convenient. It not only streamlines administrative processes but also improves patient experience and resource utilization and ultimately contributes to delivering more efficient and patient-centric healthcare.

Services for businesses

You can take advantage of:

  • Creativity of researchers at USBand the Biology Centre of CAS
  • Laboratory capacity, contract research, licensing and professional consultation
  • Active support in setting up spin-off and start-up companies
  • Consultation on how to protect the results of your own research – patents, etc.

Services for USB units

What are we beneficial for?

  • We are a contact centre prior to publishing research and development results
  • We protect the intellectual property of USB
  • We search for options to implement research in practice
  • We engage USB in development at regional and national level
  • The project website contains further information on our projects and offer for cooperation.

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