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For incoming employees

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice is the biggest higher education institution in the region. It offers a wide range of study and research opportunities. We believe that working at our university will be an enriching experience.

Because we know that setting up in a new city and a new environment may be challenging, we have designed this guide for you to support you before and during your stay at USB.

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice is part of the European network EURAXESS - Researchers in motion, and as such a centre we offer our help and assistance to researchers and their families to plan and organize their move to the Czech Republic.

Before your arrival: Entry conditions/visas

Entry conditions for a stay in the Czech Republic depend upon your nationality, the purpose of your stay and the duration of your stay. All entry formalities are detailed on the Official Web Portal for foreigners, who are living, or wish to live, in the Czech Republic or on the website of Euraxess - Researchers in motion, Czech Republic.

European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland citizens:

You do not need any visa or special permit to travel, live, and work in the Czech Republic. You only need a valid passport or national ID card.

Third-country nationals:

Obtaining a visa or residence permit is one of the most important steps of the preparation of your stay in the Czech Republic. You will have to go to the local Czech embassy or consulate abroad and submit your visa/residence permit application. These applications cannot be submitted being inside the Czech Republic.

  • Short-term stay – Up to 90 days:

You will require a short-term Schengen visa for a stay of up to 90 days.  This visa authorises you to stay in the Czech Republic (and all other  Schengen States) for the period of time specified in the visa, however not for more than three months during any half-year from the date on which you first enter a Schengen country.

  • Long-term stay - Longer than 90 days:


If you are employed at USB to carry out scientific or academic research, you need to apply for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research (also called “scientific permit”). This special residence permit for researchers has several advantages: the application is processed faster than other visas, within 60 days. Also, as a holder of a scientific permit, you will not need any extra work permit.

During the application, you will need to submit several documents. USB, as an employer, can provide you with the “hosting agreement” and the “written commitment”.

Another advantage of this specific scientific permit, is that you do not need to provide a proof of accommodation during the application. Anyway, it is highly recommended to arrange your accommodation and get the accommodation contract well in advance. The proof of accommodation will be requested during the collection of the residence permit after your arrival. USB can also provide you with an accommodation contract at USB dormitories.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive a visa for the purpose of collecting a residence permit (D/VR visa). This visa allows you to enter the Czech Republic, it is issued for a maximum of 60 days.  After entering the Czech Republic, it is necessary to report to an office of the Ministry of the Interior within 30 calendar days. See section “First steps after arrival”.

Submission of the application for long-term residence permit or its prolongation is charged with administrative fees, generally 2500 CZK. See the list of fees on the Official Web Portal for foreigners, who are living, or wish to live, in the Czech Republic.

Other purposes

If you are not employed as a researcher, you will need to apply for an “employee card”, which is a permit to stay for the purpose of employment on a long-term basis and to perform work for which the card was issued. Find more information on the Official Web Portal

Family members

Once you are issued with a residence permit, your family members (husband, spouse, partner, children…) can apply for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of “family reunification”. 

General recommendations

If you are a holder of a residence permit or a long-term visa issued by another Schengen state, you may stay in the territory of the Czech Republic without a visa only for a short-term stay not exceeding 90 days.  It is necessary to think about the length of your stay before entering the Czech Republic.

Citizens of some countries are exempt from visa obligation for entering the Czech Republic. Attention: this visa free regime applies only to short-term stays up to 90 days of non-profit nature.

The regulations for obtaining visas can change from time to time. In addition, embassies in individual countries are given a certain leeway in applying them. This means that the regulations listed here should be considered as guidelines only. Always you have to consult the local Czech embassy/consulate for the latest information regarding visa requirements, and the particular local requirements that are in force.

For more information, visit these websites:

Official Web Portal for foreigners, who are living, or wish to live, in the Czech Republic

Euraxess - Researches in Motion


Before your arrival: Health insurance

When you first arrive to the Czech Republic, until you are employed and registered for public health insurance, you must have an alternative (travel) health insurance, either from a commercial insurance company or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). 

Anyone who doesn't have the right to public health insurance in the Czech Republic, must have commercial health insurance while staying in this country (i.e. family members). 

Commercial Health Insurance

Short-term (up to 90 days) stays - BASIC medical insurance:

  • Covers essential treatment and hospitalization which cannot be postponed at any public health care facility in the Czech Republic.
  • Covers costs incurred as a result of an accident or sudden illness in CZ, including repatriation to your home country

Long-term (longer than 90 days) stays - COMPREHENSIVE medical insurance:

  • Suitable for foreigners who intend to stay in the Czech Republic for 90 days and longer and are not covered by the public health insurance system.
  • It is similar to public health insurance and provides preventive and dispensary health care, including care in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. 

There are several Czech insurance companies that provide the right type of insurance specifically designed for the needs of foreigners: 

For more information about commercial health insurance from these specific insurance companies, please see this website: 

Public Health Insurance

Public health insuracne in the Czech Republic is provided to: 

  • anyone with permanent residence status in the Czech Republic
  • employees whose employer is based in the Czech Republic
  • family members of EU citizens who are employed in the Czech Republic
  • non-EU citizens who previously resided in another EU country and were registered for public health insurance there, and their family members.

Public health insurance companies:

  • 111 Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP ČR)
  • 201 Vojenská zdravotní pojišťovna České republiky (VoZP ČR)
  • 205 Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna (ČPZP)
  • 207 Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna zaměstnanců bank, pojišťoven a stavebnictví (OZP)
  • 209 Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda (ZPŠ)
  • 211 Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra ČR (ZPMV ČR)
  • 213 Revírní bratrská pokladna, zdravotní pojišťovna (RBP)

Medical services - English-speaking contacts

GMP Mirko Jakovljevič 387 965 222
GMP Miroslav Pavlásek 387411287
Stomatology Karel Závodský 387315944
Stomatology Pavel Vachulka 777867545
Stomatology Martin Štěrba 387312617
Gynecology Iveta Haouiová 385510027
Paediactrics Petra Brossaud 601504514
Paediactrics Lucie Pechočová 389109461
Paediactrics Barbora Sýkorová 387730218
Paediactrics 387204323
Allergology Jitka Marková 386106153
Ophthalmology Kim Štěpánková 736234277
Ophthalmology Michal Matuška 386352263
Psychotherapy Zdeňka Bajgarová 607912170
Psychotherapy Filip Abramčuk 777562267
Psychotherapy Sylvie Štindlová 602670104
Orthopaedics Lukáš Nevšímal 387420139
Veterinary Veterinary at Zlatá Stoka 725444182
Veterinary CB-vet 385310797

Contacts provided by Biology centre CAS České Budějovice

Before your arrival: Accommodation

Short-term accommodation

It may be very difficult to find a long-term accommodation while being abroad. Anyway, it is strongly recommended that you arrange short-term accommodation in advance at least for the first 1–2 months of your stay at USB. You can then use the time to find a longer term rental. Also you will need to submit to the Embassy proof of accommodation during the visa application, or to get your residence permit. This document can be provided by USB dormitories only for future employees (not for family members).

  • Accommodation at university dormitories 

More information on our websites here.

As an employee, you can get accommodated at the university dormitories. This is usually the easiest possibility, especially for those who need proof of accommodation for the visa application.

Attention! Proof of accommodation can be furnished only for a student or an employee of USB. It cannot be furnished for a family member!

  • Accommodation at USB faculties

Some faculties have also their own rooms or apartments that they can provide to their visitors or employees, especially for the beginning of their stays. In that case, the faculty may be able to provide you the proof of accommodation.

  • Private accommodation

In case you do not need the proof of accommodation for the visa/residence permit, you can also find various alternative accommodation providers in České Budějovice. There are for example some private dormitories that you can find around the city: private dormitory Kolej Pedagog (situated next to the main campus, many USB students choose to live there), other private dormitories:


Long term accommodation

If you are satisfied with living at the university dormitories, you are entitled to stay there during the length of your emloyment at the university. Anyway, usually, after some time employees search for their own place to live. There are different possibilities.

  • Renting a room: Flat-sharing

There are several websites and Facebook groups with accommodation offers. Try for example to search on these ones:

Besides renting a flat/room in blocks of flats, there is also the option of renting a flat/room in a family house all around the city of České Budějovice. Families offering such flats/rooms for rent usually live downstairs and the flat/room that they rent to students is on the first floor. Sometimes the whole house may be rented to students. These flats/rooms are usually very nice and there are often gardens that may be used.

You will find many offers of room-sharing, which is common practice especially among students. If you want your own room, search in Czech "samostatný pokoj".

  • Renting a flat

Flats in the Czech Republic have some specifics and it may be hard to understand the flats´ description in the announcements. Here is a short overview:

1+1, 2+1, 3+1, 4+1 …
The first number means how many rooms there are in the flat in total. It includes both the bedrooms and the living rooms. The second number  after the plus, usually “+1” indicates the number of kitchens. It is common for Czech flats and houses to have only one kitchen, but you might come across big houses that have more.

1+kk, 2+kk, 3+kk, 4+kk…
In that description, “kk” stands for kuchyňský kout (kitchen corner). That means that the kitchen is not a separate room and the whole cooking area is placed in one of the rooms, usually the living room, sometimes in the corridor. Thus a 1+kk flat or also called “garsoniéra” is a studio. 

When looking for a flat, be sure to always visit the place before renting, and ask about even small details. The description in the announcement may be disappointing. Also remember that most of the flats are rented unfurnished, even if in certain cases this is negotiable with the flat owner. 

There are many real estate agents in České Budějovice that can speak English and help you, but be prepared, that they may charge a fee for their services. You can search some offers in English at: 

First steps after arrival

Registration at Foreign police or Ministry of Interior – Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP)

EU citizens

  • If you stay in university dormitories – you do not need to register; registration is done directly by the dormitories. 
  • If you stay in private accommodation, registration at foreign police is compulsory within 30 days of your arrival.

Non-EU citizens

1. You have a long-term visa 

  • If you stay in university dormitories – you do not need to register; registration is done directly by the dormitories. 
  • If you stay in private accommodation, registration at foreign police is compulsory within 3 working days after your arrival (report your place of residence in the Czech Republic).

2. You have a long-term residence permit 

  • The Czech embassy abroad provided you with an entry visa (“D/VR”) and you could travel to the Czech Republic. After your arrival, you will have to register at OAMP (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) within 30 working days and provide your biometric data necessary for the issue of your residence permit card. 
  • If you are able to enter the Czech Republic in a different way (without visa), you have to register within 3 working days of your arrival at OAMP.
  • With this residence card and your passport, you can also travel to other Schengen countries, and can spend up to 3 months during any 6-month period in another Schengen state.


If you stay in České Budějovice or Nové Hrady:

  • Foreign police (Cizinecká policie)
    Address: Pražská 1257/23, České Budějovice – 3rd floor
    Telephone: +420 974 221 829

Office hours: 

Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 – 17:00

Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 - 14:00

Friday: 8:00 - 11:00

  • Ministry of the Interior, Department for Asylum and Migration Policy 
    (OAMP) (Ministerstvo vnitra, odbor azylové a migrační politiky)
    Address: Pražská 1257/23, České Budějovice – 1st floor
    Telephone: +420 974 226 851

Office hours:

Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 – 17:00

Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 - 12:00

Friday: 8:00 - 11:00 (only for clients with an appointment)

If you stay in Vodňany, you need to register in the city of Písek:

  • Foreign police and Ministry of the Interior (OAMP) Na Výstavišti 377, Písek
    Tel.: 974 235 851, 859

Office hours:

Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 – 17:00


The officers of the Ministry of Interior or Foreign police do not always speak English. We highly recommend asking a Czech speaking person to accompany you.

If you are staying in a faculty apartment or room, you must register at the Foreign police yourself! 

During your stay, remember that as a non-EU citizen you are required to report any change in your personal situation, loss, damage or theft of your residence card etc. For details, consult: 

Human Resources department

In the first days after your arrival, you will have to visit the Human Resources Department of your Faculty (personální oddělení), and fix important matters linked with your work and stay at USB:

  • Signature of your work contract and other necessary paper documents
  • Employee card - you will receive a personal employee card. This card gives you access to the university buildings and also allows you to use services of the university (canteen, printing and copying, library). It is important to keep it safely and report any loss or damage to the IT helpdesk. 
  • Taxes, registration to health insurance, social security - it is very important to always inform the HR department about your personal situation that could influence your situation in terms of taxes, social security or health insurance. Also don't forget to report any change in your situation during your stay such as marital status, birth of a child, change of address and ID documents, additional work activity with another employer,...
  • As an employer, USB has the obligation to register you with different authorities in the first days after your arrival. That is why it is essential that you provide on time all the information and documents requested  
    by the Human Resources department. 
  • Compulsory medical examination - Czech law requires that any employee complete a medical examination prior to beginning a work. You will get all instructions about this examination from the Human Resources department (date, time, address). You will 
    not have to pay for this examination. The doctor will basically check your suitability for the work, asking if you have any health problems, if you take some medication and will check your vaccinations. 
  • Compulsory training - you may have to follow some compulsory training before beginning your work, for example in health and safety at work. 
About USB
The University of South Bohemia has eight faculties that are situated in the city of České Budějovice. Our Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters has its main building in the town of Vodňany, about 30 km north of České Budějovice, and has also one research institute in the town of Nové Hrady, 35km south-east of České Budějovice.

Campus in České Budějovice

In České Budějovice, most of the buildings of the University of South Bohemia are situated on the main campus, about 20-30 minutes’ walk from historical centre of České Budějovice. On campus, you will find the Rectorate, the Academic Library, four dormitories, the main canteen, the student club “Kampa” and buildings of the Faculties of Agriculture, Arts, Economics, Science and Fisheries and Protection of Waters.

On campus you will also find the buildings of the Biology Centre of the Academy of Science of Czech Republic, which is not part of the university but closely cooperates with it. 

Buildings of the Faculties of Education and Theology (including a small canteen) are situated in the historical centre of the city. The Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (including a canteen) and the dormitory K5 can be found about 15 minutes’ walk from the campus. 

  • Dining

The university offers a wide range of possibilities to get food and drinks at subsidized prices.

University canteen (Menza)
The canteen serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and offers diverse types  of meals, including salads, soups, pizzas, but also for example vegetarian or gluten free meals. The canteen has 3 buildings: Main canteen on the campus /next to the Facutly of Economics), canteen in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and canteen in the Faculty of Theology (city centre).

To use the canteen services you have to deposit money on your employee ID card at the canteen cash desk (ground floor – main building), at the Academic Library café or at the reception of dormitory K4.

You can also order your meal in advance:

Online: – You have to login by clicking on “Přihlášení do WebKredit”, then choose English language.    

Terminal: located on the ground floor of the main canteen


Academic Library Café (ground floor of the Academic library): You can buy some snacks, drinks, sandwiches and salads here. You can pay by cash or with the credit on your employee ID card.

JU Café (ground floor of the canteen): It serves breakfast, hot and cold drinks, desserts and other snacks. 

Student Club Kampa is situated in the middle of the campus. It serves various drinks, including the beer “Čtyrák” produced by our Faculty of Agriculture! Kampa organizes also many concerts, meetings, conferences… More information on their Facebook page:    

Buffet in Biology Centre (ground floor): You can get some bakery products, sandwiches, soups, and drinks here.

Coffee to go – (ground floor – Rectorate building).

  • Academic Library

The Academic Library provides library and informational services for students and staff of USB, for employees of the Biology Centre of the Academy of Science and for the general public. The main building is located on campus,  in front of the Rectorate. 
Inside the library, you can find, on two floors, more than 450 000 books and journals, tens of thousands of electronic journals and e-books, more than  500 study places in various study rooms, and 100 PCs with internet access. There is Wifi connection all around the building.

The library also offers self-service copying, scanning and printing. Copy and printing machines are located on both library floors. The service is payable; you will need to have a minimum credit of 10 CZK on your employee ID card.

More information (opening hours, loan services, catalogue…) can be found at

  • Culture and student organisations

During the academic year, the cultural life of the campus is very rich. There are many events organised throughout the year: conferences, festivals, concerts, theatre … Here are some of the most active student organisations:

Erasmus Student Network USB Budweis : 
Student Union (SUJU): 

  • Lifelong learning opportunities

As an employee you can join a various number of training and courses offered by the university. Courses are for free or for a small fee. Some courses are just for USB employees but a large number is also open to the public. There are also special courses for children in the frame of Children´s university. More information: 

  • University Counselling Centre

Working and living abroad is challenging and you may feel homesick, stressed or anxious. If you do not feel well and need some help, you can contact the university counselling centre. 
The Psychological Centre is situated in the building of the Faculty of Education (Jeronýmová 10 – Ground floor). The consultation is free of charge for employees, and the psychologists speak English, German or French.  
It is necessary to arrange a meeting in advance: 

Map of the USB Campus

Campus in Vodňany

The main campus of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters is situated in the town of Vodňany, about 30km north of České Budějovice, in the heart of the region of South Bohemia. Vodňany is surrounded with ponds and is  well-known for its fish farming tradition and sport fishing opportunities. The campus provides modern research facilities and laboratories as well as accommodation and dining services. There is a specialized library in the area  of fisheries, aquaculture, hydrobiology, ichthyology and related sciences that provides over 20 000 items. There is also a special International Environmental Educational, Advisory and Information Centre of Water Protection (MEVPIS) focused primarily on life-long learning, especially in environmental field.

  • Living in Vodňany

The Faculty is situated about 20 minutes’ walk from the historical centre. In the town, there are various shops, restaurants and other services. Some supermarkets are open 7/7. 
There is also a health centre (Poliklinika) at the address Jiráskova 116, Vodňany.
More information about Vodňany: 

  • Transport

Public transport from Prague to Vodňany: 
You can go by bus from the Prague bus station “Na Knížecí”. The journey takes about 2 hours. In Vodňany, you will arrive at the bus station situated close to the historical centre. 
Public transport from/to České Budějovice: 
You can travel by train or by bus and the journey takes about 40–50 minutes. 

Campus in Nové Hrady

One research institute of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, the Institute of complex systems, is located in the beautiful castle of the small town of Nové Hrady, about 35km south of České Budějovice. In these buildings there is also the Centre for nanobiology and structural biology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which makes this place very rich in terms  of research activities.

Nové Hrady is in the heart of a very beautiful mountain region, well-known by nature and outdoor activities lovers. It is only 5km away from the Austrian border. 

  • Transport

Public transport from/to České Budějovice: You can travel by bus and the journey takes about one hour. 

Settling in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic lies in Central Europe and shares its borders with Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland. It is well-known for its multitude of historical monuments but also its diverse natural sites.

The city of České Budějovice is the biggest of the South Bohemian region. It is a royal city founded in 1265 famous around the world especially for its Budweiser beer brewery. The historical centre is small, but the city is big enough! It is the commercial and political capital of the region. There are always many events, especially during summer. 

More at

Czech language

The official language of the Czech Republic is Czech. Czech belongs to the western Slavonic family, along with Slovak or Polish. The Czechs and Slovaks understand each other without major problems. Czech has a difficult grammatical structure but reading and pronunciation are not so difficult. Attending Czech classes is highly recommended to try to learn at least some basics, it will really help you with integrating in the city and among local people. 

Basic phrases 
Greetings and Social Interaction

Hello! ("Good day!") Dobrý den!
Hi! Ahoj!
Goodbye! Na shledanou!
Thank you Děkuji
Please Prosím
You are welcome Není zač

Meeting People 

What's your name?

Jak se jmenuješ? (informal)

Jak se jmenujete? (formal)

My name is Peter Jmenuji se Petr
Nice to meet you

Těší mě, že tě poznávám (informal)

Těší mě, že vás poznávám (formal)

How are you?

Jak se máš? (informal)

Jak se máte? (formal)

Do you speak English?

Mluvíš anglicky? (informal)

Mluvíte anglicky? (formal)

I don't speak Czech Nemluvím česky
I don't understand Nerozumím

University life

Canteen Menza
Dormitory Kolej
Library Knihovna
Dean's office Kancelář děkana
Classroom Učebna / Posluchárna
Cashdesk Pokladna
HR Department Personální oddělení
International office Zahraniční oddělení


Currency and cost of living

The official currency of the Czech Republic is Czech crown (Česká koruna) and its abbreviation is CZK or Kč. The conversion rate is about 1 EUR / 25,50 CZK Available banknotes are 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, 200 and 100 CZK. Used coins are 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 CZK. The Czech crown is generally the only currency that can be used. 

Costs of living - approximate prices

Student dormitory (per month) 3 500 CZK / 137 EUR
Small flat / studio (rent per month) 12 000 CZK / 470 EUR
Public transport in České Budějovice (per month) 420 CZK / 16,5 EUR
Public transport - one ticket for 60 min 20 CZK / 0,80 EUR
Meal at a restaurant 200 CZK / 7,80 EUR
Pizza at a restuarant  160 CZK /6,30 EUR
Beer at a pub 55 CZK / 2,15 EUR
Loaf of bread (500g) 30 CZK / 1,10 EUR
1 litre of milk 30 CZK / 1,10 EUR
1 kg of apples 26 CZK / 1 EUR
Cinema ticket 180 CZK / 7 EUR
Swimming pool (1 hour)  100 CZK / 3,90 EUR
Gym entry (1 hour) 140 CZK / 5,40 EUR


Bank services

Money exchange and ATMs

In the Czech Republic, you will not be able to pay with currency other than Czech crowns. To exchange money, you have several possibilities:

  • Banks charge 2-3% commission for cash exchange; sometimes, there is a minimum fee. Banks are generally open Mon-Fri 8:00 – 17:00.
  • Private exchange offices are often in shopping centres and also on the main square Přemysla Otakara II. They are usually open also during the weekends. It is recommended to ask the exact sum you will receive for your money; the sign advertising 0% commission often relates to buying foreign currency! Also the currency rate may not be the best.

ATMs are situated all over the city and usually accept all major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro…). One ATM is situated on campus, on the outside of the Rectorate building. Besides, you can pay by card in most of the shops and restaurants without any minimum amount required. However, smaller town restaurants and shops prefer cash payments.

Bank account

As an USB employee, you will need to open a Czech bank account in order to receive your salary. You can choose from several banks, which provide a wide range of services and facilities to their customers. In general, relating formalities are quite simple. To open a bank account, you will generally need a valid passport, another identity document (your driver’s license, identity card, birth certificate, resident card) and a minimum deposit (between 200 CZK and 2 000 CZK, depending on the bank). 

Good to know: the majority of services provided by the Czech banks are paid. Thus, anything from obtaining a debit card to ATM withdrawals will typically incur a fee.


Health services

General practicioner and doctor registration

With your health insurance you are entitled to visit a general practitioner. Anyway, it is important to first arrange an appointment by phone, to be sure that the doctor has the time to see you. Ask a Czech speaking person to help you. In case you are in the Czech Republic for a long term, you should first register with a general practitioner, where you will first have a general check-up visit. Then you will be able to visit this doctor in case of need. To register, first contact the doctor by phone. Some doctors cannot register patient because they do not have capacity anymore. But in the end you will always find a doctor that you can register with. You should also register with a dentist, and if necessary with a gynaecologist and a children's doctor. To visit other specialists, you need to visit first your general practitioner who will examine you and then send you to see a specialist. 

On campus one general practitioner has an office on the back of the Biology centre building.

There are also several medical centres where many doctors have their offices:

Medical services - English-speaking contacts

GMP Mirko Jakovljevič 387 965 222
GMP Miroslav Pavlásek 387411287
Stomatology Karel Závodský 387315944
Stomatology Pavel Vachulka 777867545
Stomatology Martin Štěrba 387312617
Gynecology Iveta Haouiová 385510027
Paediactrics Petra Brossaud 601504514
Paediactrics Lucie Pechočová 389109461
Paediactrics Barbora Sýkorová 387730218
Paediactrics 387204323
Allergology Jitka Marková 386106153
Ophthalmology Kim Štěpánková 736234277
Ophthalmology Michal Matuška 386352263
Psychotherapy Zdeňka Bajgarová 607912170
Psychotherapy Filip Abramčuk 777562267
Psychotherapy Sylvie Štindlová 602670104
Orthopaedics Lukáš Nevšímal 387420139
Veterinary Veterinary at Zlatá Stoka 725444182
Veterinary CB-vet 385310797

Contacts provided by Biology centre CAS České Budějovice


Emergency service – Hospital of České Budějovice

Medical first aid service for adults
Situated in the upper area of the hospital, Pavilion C (see the website)

Contact: +420 387 876 908

Medical first aid service for children 
Situated in the upper area of the hospital, Pavilion D - Children's Department, access from L. B. Schneidera Street (see the website)

Contact: +420 387 876 311


Dental emergency

Situated on Lidická tř. 439/78, 370 01 České Budějovice

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 16:00 - 22:00

Weekends and public holidays: 8:00 - 20:00



There is a large number of pharmacies in České Budějovice, and the most common opening hours are 7:30 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. During weekends, you may also find open pharmacies in some shopping centres. There is also a 24/7 pharmacy located at the entrance of the hospital of České Budějovice: B. Němcové 54, 370 01 České Budějovice 1.


Transport in the Czech Republic

Travelling by car

Travelling by car in the Czech Republic is very convenient. To get to the South Bohemian Region from Prague, you can drive via Tábor, or via Písek, which is more convenient if you want to go to Vodňany. 

Driving licence regulations:

  • If your driving license is issued by an EU country or Norway, Iceland, Switzerland or Liechtenstein: you can drive in the Czech Republic,  
    there is no obligation to replace your driving licence.
  • If your driving license is issued by another country, you may need to acquire an International driving licence to be allowed to drive in the Czech Republic. Check more info here.

To use the motorway in the Czech Republic, remember that you need to buy a permit (dalniční známka) which you can get for 1 day, 10 days, one month or one year. 

Be aware that there is no tolerance of alcohol while driving: you must have a zero blood alcohol level when driving!

Public transport in the Czech Republic

Czech Republic has a dense network of public transport (trains, buses, city buses). To check the timetable and connections of all public transport in the Czech Republic, you can use the website There is an English and German version of the website (click on the flag on the bottom right of the page). You can find the timetable of any public transport by selecting bus/train/city public transport. There are also useful apps for your phone regarding the public transport: Můj vlak (for trains), Jízdní řády IDOS (for all public transport types).

Transport from Václav Havel airport Prague to České Budějovice:

Prague public transport company: 

From Václav Havel airport Prague

  • To the main train station (Hlavní nádraží) – The easiest way is to use the bus “Airport Express” (AE) from Terminal 1. You can buy the ticket directly from the bus driver (100 CZK). The AE bus line operates daily at 30-minute intervals. From the airport the bus operates from 5:30 until 22:00. 
  • To the bus station “Na Knížecí” - You can use the bus line n°100 to “Zličín”, then change to metro line B direction “Černý most” and stop at metro station “Anděl”. 
  • To the bus station “Florenc” - You can use the bus line n°119 to “Nádraží Veleslavín”, then change to metro line A direction “Depo Hostivař”, change at “Můstek” to line B direction “Černý most” and stop at metro station “Florenc”. 

In Prague be careful using taxis. Taxi drivers have a bad reputation in Prague. One of the reliable taxi companies is AAA Radiotaxi – tel. +420 222 333 222, 
You can also use Uber in Prague.

From Prague to České Budějovice

The price of a train or bus ticket is around 150–350 CZK.

By train: The train connection to České Budějovice is quite frequent, about every hour. From the main train station the journey to České Budějovice takes about 2 hours (Express is faster, you can get to České Budějovice in 1h 40min). 
Buy your train ticket at the ticket office before getting on the train. It is also possible to buy your ticket online: or in the app muj vlak.

BY bus: There are many companies providing bus transport from Prague to České Budějovice. The most common and convenient are Student Agency (yellow buses) and Flixbus.  
Buses to České Budějovice usually depart from the bus stations “Na Knížeci” or “Florenc”. 
Buy the tickets online.  
Student Agency:   

From České Budějovice stations to the university campus

The train station and the bus station in České Budějovice are situated very close to each other. 
The bus station is situated on the top floor of the commercial centre called “Mercury”. To get to the university campus, the name of the bus stop is "Nádraží" and it is on the side of the building of Mercury, take the bus n°3 and get off at "Jihočeská univerzita". It takes about 10-15 minutes from the station. During the night, take the bus n°53. 

You can also take a taxi from one of these companies:
Nonstop Taxi České Budějovice +420 723 12 04 04
Taxi Kroupa +420 724 70 80 90

Or you can take Bolt.



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