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Wetland ecologist Jan Květ received the Josef Vavroušek Award

Wetland ecologist, activist and two generations of conservationists. This is the diversity of the new laureates of the Josef Vavroušek Award.

Today, 6 June, four environmental leaders received awards at the Senate: wetland ecologist Jan Květ from the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice received the Josef Vavroušek Award for long-term contribution. The jury of the Josef Vavroušek Prize recognized Prague politician and activist Petra Kolínská for her outstanding achievement. The Ekozásek of the Year for young people up to the age of 26 was awarded to Martin Trávníček, the chairman of the association Pestré Polabí. This year's innovation – the Award of the Minister of the Environment for an exceptional contribution to communication or education in the environmental field – was awarded to Jiří Jiránek. He was the founder of the Hnutí Brontosaurus movement and the Ministry of the Environment. 

'This year we have seen a record number of nominees in almost all categories. So many amazing individuals! It was really hard to choose the laureates among the industry leaders and young environmental hopefuls. In the end, the jury recognised research and outreach, as well as contributions to legislation and significant international cooperation, of Jan Květ. We decided to award the Outstanding Achievement Award to Petra Kolínská, for her opposition to the amendment of the Construction Act as well as her role in the Changing Climate in Legislation project. However, we would very much like the nomination for the Josef Vavroušek Award to be perceived by people as a beautiful recognition of their efforts,' says Vladimír Kořen, chairman of the Josef Vavroušek Award jury, popular moderator and educator.


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