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doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jitka Vacková, Ph.D.

  • Unit:
    ZSF Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences | Associate Professor
    ZSF Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences | Director
  • E-mail:
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  • Phone number:
    +420 389 037 660
    +420 777 342 223
  • Room:
    060103006 kancelář 006 - 3. patro - Děkanát ZSF a výuka - Jírovcova (kancelář 404)
    Jírovcova 1347/24, 370 03 České Budějovice


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Detail Authors Publication title Year Publication type Publication sub-type



  • 2012 - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, USB: Health and Social Care (associate professor)
  • 2008 - Faculty of Education, USB: Biology-Chemistry for Secondary Schools (M.S.)
  • 2008 - Institute for Coaching and Supervision (ICOS): "Systemic Supervision and Coaching"
  • 2005 - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, USB: Prevention, rehabilitation and therapy of health and social problems of children and youth (Ph.D.)
  • 2002 - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, USB: Rehabilitation care for disabled children, adults and the elderly (MA)


  • 1.6.2021 - present: director of the Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Heahlt and Social Sciences (FHSS) at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB)
  • 2019 - 05.2021 Associate professor at FHSS, Institute of Social and Special-paedagogical Sciences
  • 2015 - 1.2.2019 Vice-Dean for Science and Research at FHSS
  • 2012-2015 associate professor at FHSS
  • 2010 - 2012 assistant professor at FHSS
  • 2008 - included in the list of certified supervisors and coaches ( )
  • 2008 - 2010 Head of the Department of Supervision and Professional Practice at FHSS
  • 2004 - 2008 assistant professor of the Department of Supervision and Professional Practice, FHSS


  • Member of the Standing Committee on Evaluation Methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education in the field of social work education - from 11 March 2021.Evaluator of the National Accreditation Office in the field of education called "Social Work" - see at:
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
  • Member of the Internal Evaluation Board of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
  • Section editor of the journal Contact, included in the Scopus and WoS databases.
  • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health and Rehabilitation.
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal Sociální práce/ Sociálna práca / Czech and Slovak Social Work, appointed on 30.3.2023 by the ASVSP General Assembly.
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal "Puna Sociale dhe Politika Sociale" published by the University of Tirana, Albania (from 2023)
  • Deputy Head of the Centre for Child Rights at the JU ZSF in CB, which has become part of Child Watch International. More at:
  • Member of the Management Committee in COST Action IS1103 (Adapting European Health Systems to Diversity - acronym ADAPT).
  • Member of the Management Committee in COST Action IS0603 (Health and Social Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Europe - acronym HOME).


  • 2021 - Awarded the Rector's Prize of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice for a prestigious scientific publication (VACKOVÁ, J. et al., 2020. Social work in the system of coordinated rehabilitation of clients after acquired brain injury (especially stroke) with special attention to intervention from the perspective of social work, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and other selected professions. Prague: Grada Publishing, a. s., 208 p., ISBN: 978-80-271-2434-3, DOI: 10.32725/zsf.2020_124343).
  • 2021 (12 October) - Awarded a medal for long-term significant personal contribution to the development of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. ZSF JU on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of ZSF JU. Awarded by the dean of FHSS.


  • 2023 (6.6.) - First Certificate in English, Cambridge English, RQF - Regulated Qualifications Framework in England and Northern Ireland, verification number: C2709881, Cambridge University Press & Assessment
  • 2022 - Professional training for main leaders of children's camps (24 hours). Accredited training programme No. 16194/2020-2/1870.
  • 2021 (26.5.) - Practical training in identifying children's needs and opinions (8 hours). Accredited educational programme No. A2020/0812-SP.
  • 2020-2021 - Basics of crisis intervention (50 hours). Accredited educational programme No. A2017/0573-SP.2014 - Recovery Paramedic (45 hours).Accredited training programme No. MSMT-44008/2013-1/988. WorkMed, s.r.o., Prague 9.Final exam passed on 15.6.2014.2011 (4 days: 23-28 June) - Training in selected statistical methods.Solution of problems in contingency tables, cluster analysis, hypothesis tests. SPSS CR Teaching Centre. RNDr. Jan Řehák.
  • 2008 completed training in "Systemic Supervision and Coaching", organized by the Institute for Coaching and Supervision (
  • 2005 - Course in Ayurvedic Medicine and Nutrition, Ayurvedic massage techniques. Certificate of Proficiency. Pavol Hloska,
  • 2005 - Intensive language course (English language, 26 hours) at level B2 according to ERR.


  • Selected Aspects of the Integration of Foreigners Living in the Czech Republic and their Relationship to Social Work with registration no. 101/2022/S. Grant agency of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Solution period from 1/2/2022 to 31/12/2024. Main proposer.
  • Selected Aspects of Management of Social Work (reg. n. 052/2019/S Vacková), funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia. Started in 2019, finish 2021. Main proposer.
  • Social Exclusion of Elderly 65+ living at home in the Czech Republic. COST (Cooperation on Scientific and Technical Research). Started in 2018, finish in 2020. Team member.
  • Model of Elderly Care in Residential Homes in concept of three grades living. TAČR n. TL01000032 (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic). Started in 2018, finish in 2020. Team member.
  • Development of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice – capacity for HR Award. Rozvoj JU – kapacity pro VaV. HR Award. Project ESF (European Social Fund), reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006192. Started in 2018, finish in 2021. Expert 1.
  • Modularization of Social Work. sociální práce. Project ESF s názvem Rozvoj JU – ESF, reg. č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002348. Doba řešení 2017 – 2020. Expert – garant from Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
  • Coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain injury (reg. No. GAJU 138/20146/S), funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia. Started in 2016, finish 2018. Main proposer.
  • Health Literacy among the selected groups of inhabitants in the South Bohemian region, funded by the FHSS. Started in 2016, finish 2018. Team member – selected group - Roma inhabitants.
  • Social Determinants of Health and Their Impact on Health of Immigrants Living in the Czech Republic. Project COST. ISCH COST Action IS1103 called „Adapting European health systems to diversity, acronym ADAPT“. Started in 2013, finish 2015. Main proposer.
  • Social determinants of health among selected target group. Project financed by FHSS. Started in 2013, finish 2015. Main proposer.
  • Health and the Social Situation of Immigrants and Recognized Refugees in the Czech Republic. Project COST (registration n. OC 10031). Started in 2010, finish 2011 (May). Main proposer.
  • Social work concerning the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Fund for Development of Universities (registration n. 1115/2004). Started and finished in 2004. Main proposer.
  • Life quality, mean and healthy length of life from the aspect of health determinants in the Roma population in the Czech Republic. Granted by the Czech Science Foundation (reg. n. 403/07/0336). Started in 2007, finished in 2010). Team member.
  • The Integration of Immigrants and Refugees: towards citizenship in a democratic society. The Leonardo da Vinci International Project (registration n. NL/03/B/F/PP/157313). Started 2003 and finished 2006. Team member.

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