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Research infrastructures and Consortia at the University of South Bohemia

ESFRI infrastructures

ESFRI infrastruktury

We actively participate in European consortia. We collaborate with many international partners, which allows us access to the latest technologies and methods.

We offer unique facilities and services to the broad European and global scientific community.

National infrastructures and consortia

ESFRI infrastruktury

As members of national infrastructures, we strengthen our position in scientific research. We are the coordinator of the CENAKVA research infrastructure, which has been part of the Roadmap in the Czech Republic since 2019.

The university is a consortium partner of the ELIXIR CZ infrastructure.

International project consortia

ESFRI infrastruktury

We actively participate in international project consortia.

Our involvement allows us to strengthen international cooperation and the sharing of services and knowledge.

We support and do science

Development of multidisciplinary data-driven science
Focus on natural, humanities, and social sciences
Support for technological innovation
Open access
Data management
Specialized research teams
Shared laboratories
Support for internationalization, education, and mobility

Podporujeme a děláme vědu

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, as a significant institution focused on natural, humanities, and social sciences, supports technological innovations through its capacities, research facilities, and expertise. It contributes to the development of multidisciplinary science based on data.

Significant documents and strategies

Roadmap ESFRI

The ESFRI Roadmap (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) is a key document that defines the direction of research infrastructure development in Europe.

PDF available for download here

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Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures

The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures in the Czech Republic is a strategic document that outlines the concept for the support and development of research infrastructures in the Czech Republic.

PDF available for download here

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