nazev obor pro diplom: NULL
nazev oboru: string(32) "Biologie ekosystémů a ekologie"
nazev programu pro diplom: NULL
nazev programu string(32) "Biologie ekosystémů a ekologie"
doc. RNDr. Jana Jersáková Ph.D. Phone number: 389032366 E-mail: Vyberte si variantu studijního programu nebo kombinaci, na kterou se chcete přihlásit. Faculty of ScienceBiologie ekosystémů a ekologie
About the programme
Graduate profile
How to apply
Before the admission procedure, the applicant must provide evidence of:
- a completed application form (E-Přihláška)
- a copy of the university diploma(s) and details of the studies completed (photocopy of the Statement of Studies or Diploma Supplement).
- Foreign applicants are obliged to attach a recommendation letter from two academic staff members (other than the incoming supervisor) and a certified copy of the University diploma(s) (or equivalent documents from the foreign university) and a diploma supplement (or a document of recognition of previous master's degree by the Czech authorities).
- detailed CV.
- dissertation project proposal, i.e. information about the planned dissertation project on the prescribed form (eng_planned_dissertation_project.doc). The form includes an annotation of the planned dissertation project, which should be prepared in collaboration with the intended supervisor and is discussed at the entrance examination.
The application, including all documents and payment of the fee, must be submitted no later than January 20 in the winter semester. In the summer semester, it must be submitted by 20 May. The application form is available in IS STAG from 1 November to 20 January and from 1 February to 20 May.
The admission procedure takes place before a committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Science of USB. The applicant must demonstrate the prerequisites for continuous scientific or demanding management work and prove these by previous study results, a diploma thesis, possible publishing activities and a specific idea of the focus of doctoral studies and doctoral dissertation.
The interview may also include a test of English language skills. International applicants may complete the interview, which will take place on the same date as the interview with other applicants to the programme, via Zoom/Teams.
The winter term of the admission procedure will take place at the end of January or in the first half of February. The summer term of admission will take place in June (applicants will be informed of the exact date). Discover more
Biologie ekosystémů a ekologie