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Courses & Grading system

Available courses in foreign languages for exchange students

Incoming exchange students (Erasmus+ and other programmes) can study a wide range of courses in English and other foreign languages throughout the 8 faculties. Anyway, the student should choose at least 50% of its courses at the faculty where he/she is registered.

To choose the courses you want to study, you can browse our online Course catalogue

In the course catalogue, courses are sorted out by faculties and departments. You can choose courses with a green field and the mention „The course is available to visiting students“. By clicking on the concrete course, you can read the detailed description of the course (course content, number of ECTS credits, methods, literature…).

Each semester there might be some changes in the offer of courses (due to teachers' availability, numbers of students registered for the courses, etc.). If necessary, you can make changes to your Learning Agreement within the first weeks after the semester starts (after arrangement with the Faculty coordinator).

Grading system

During the first lesson at the beginning of the semester, be sure that you understand what are the requirements to pass each course. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to ask the lecturer of the course.

If a course is completed with „ZÁPOČET“only, upon successful completion of the course you will receive “PASS” grade. If your home university requires only ECTS grades (A-F), please ask the lecturer to award an ECTS grade or record points into STAG.

Assessment of Studies:

1. The basic forms of the study assessment are:

  • zápočet = course credit = without examination (written test, essay, semester project, ... )
  • zkouška = an oral/written examination
  • kolokvium = a colloquium
  • souborná postupová zkouška = comprehensive advancemnet examination
  • státní zkouška = state final examination

2. During the course of a semester, the teacher can evaluate the students´ performance by:

  • progress monitoring questions
  • written tests
  • individual assignments
  • semestral assignment
  • compulsory attendance at lectures

In compliance with the course syllabus, the results of the above mentioned forms of teacher´s evaluation can be appropriately incorporated into the overall assessment of the student's performance in the course.

3. Assessment outcomes are recorded in the USB on-line study agenda IS STAG. 

4. Based on the IS STAG documentation: the International Office (Exchange students) or the Study Department (degree students) of the corresponding faculty carry out administration related to the admission procedure of applicants, their enrolment, studies and the proper completion of study.

The examination marks correspond with the ECTS credit system:

Grade Examination University of South Bohemia examination ("zkouška")

University of South Bohemia ("zápočet")

course credit (without examination)

A 1 1 = výborně (excellent)

R ("započteno") = course credit achieved

B 1,5 1,5 = výborně mínus (excellent minus)

R ("započteno") = course credit achieved

C 2 2 = velmi dobře (very well)

R ("započteno") = course credit achieved

D 2,5 2,5 = velmi dobře mínus (satisfactory)

R ("započteno") = course credit achieved

E 3 3 = dobře (passed)

R ("započteno") = course credit achieved

F, FX 4 4 = nedostatečně (failed) ("nezapočteno") = course credit not achieved
  1. Examination period:
  • The examinations and resit examinations usually take place during the examination period specified in the schedule of the relevant academic year.
  • The examiner determines and announces a sufficient number of examination dates for individual subjects no later than three weeks before the end of the teaching period in the semester.
  • The students sign up for the examinations by means of the IS STAG.
  • In case of individual study plan, the dates of examinations can be announced by the teacher during the whole semester.
  1. Basic examination rules:
  • A student who cancelled in time shall be treated as if he/she never signed up for the examination.
  • Students are entitled to cancel no later than 24 hours before the examination is to take place. Provided that a student withdraws from the examination after its beginning, fails to attend the examination without a due excuse or violates the examination rules to a serious extent, he/she shall be marked as “failed” (“nevyhověl”)
  • A student can make an additional excuse for serious reasons, especially health ones, however no later than by the fifth day from the date set for the examination.
  • Given that the student has failed in the examination, he/she is entitled to a first resit examination. Should he/she fail in the first resit examination as well, he/she is entitled to take a second resit examination within the provided dates.

In case of any doubt or problem linked with your studies, courses or grades, you can adress to the international coordinator of your faculty

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