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USB Alumni Club

The USB Alumni Club offers its members further information, educational, cultural and social events and it is intended for all who successfully completed their studies under bachelor’s, master’s as well as doctoral degree programmes at the USB.

Graduates gain a number of benefits by registering in the Alumni Club in the form of further education that may supplement their professional skills and knowledge, but, for example, they can also take part in cultural and social events that are organised and at a reduced price.


You will gain a number of benefits as a member of the USB Alumni Club:

Other interesting benefits are currently in preparation.

The University of South Bohemia and its individual parts reserve the right to alter these benefits at any time (particularly in the form of a cancellation, restriction, reduction, increase) as well as, of course, to expand the list of benefits.

The club membership is open to all graduates of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies at the USB.


You may find the registration form within the IS Stag portal HERE.

Once you complete and verify your national identification number, you will be transferred to the registration form at which point you will be able to complete information necessary for the registration. If the system was successful in verifying your identity on the basis of the national identification number and your initials in the information system, most of the information will be pre-filled. In the case that it is not so, you will have to manually enter all information and the registration will then be verified by an authorised staff member. Information designated by asterisk is obligatory. The password must consist of 6 or more symbols. The registration is completed by ticking the box ‘I consent to the processing of personal information’ at the end of the form (the registration cannot be completed otherwise).

Once the registration information is processed, the alumni is sent a confirmation email and will be able to enter the network of the Alumni Club. In the case that the national identification number and initials entered in the first step of the registration were not successfully verified in the first step of the registration, the user will be able to enter only after verification by the administrator of alumni.

Login to the database for registered alumni is located HERE.

The login details are the email and the password entered into the registration form. Should you forget the password, you may use the service entitled ‘Forgotten password’.

You will gain access to the Alumni database after logging in. This section is not public and accessible only to registered alumni. Your profile is located there, and you can search for other registered alumni, leave messages and register for events intended for alumni.

The Search section is publicly accessible and allows to search for all alumni of the USB regardless of the registration in the Alumni Club. The accessible details include only the name of the graduate, faculty and the year of graduation.

Alumni card

Alumni may request a university Alumni ID card including a chip that can be used, for example, for using services of the USB Academic Library etc.

We would be delighted if you decided to keep up with your Alma Mater and continue to stay in touch!

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