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Sustainability at the University of South Bohemia

Introductory information

In accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University of South Bohemia, not only central but also faculty steps are implemented, through which the University tries to contribute to the internationally declared sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

Central activities focused on social responsibility include, for example, the installation of photovoltaic panels on several university buildings. In 2022, two smart solar benches were added to the campus, which will allow mobile phones and laptops to be charged by harnessing solar energy. Students, staff and the public can also now use the children's and workout playgrounds.

In view of the ever-increasing consumption of drinking water not only for operation but also for research and teaching, a project to build a drilled well was already undertaken in 2021. This well was built using an environmentally friendly method and is equipped with the necessary technology for water quality treatment, which will allow the substitution of drinking water with non-potable water, including with regard to the essential quality requirements. Other steps in sustainability include central measures linked to efficient building management, the promotion of sustainable mobility and responsible purchasing and procurement.

Data collection and regular reporting are also an integral part of strategic decision-making in the area of sustainability. The University of South Bohemia is actively involved in the international ranking in the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability. The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice was ranked 5th among 11 reported Czech universities.

Read more …Sustainability at the University of South Bohemia

International project consortia

We actively participate in international project consortia. Participation allows us to strengthen international cooperation, sharing services and knowledge.

HORIZON program

COST projects

ERASMUS program


COST Projects

Erasmus Program

Science and research at the faculties
  • Ekonomická

    of Economics

  • Přírodovědecká

    of Science

  • Pedagogická

    of Education

  • Teologická

    of Theology

  • Fakulta rybářství
    a ochrany vod

    Faculty of Fisheries
    and Protection
    of Waters

  • Fakulta zemědělská
    a technologická

    Faculty of Agriculture
    and Technology

  • Filozofická

    of Arts

  • Zdravotně
    sociální fakulta

    Faculty of Health
    and Social Sciences

Read more …International project consortia

Other national infrastructures and consortia

Thanks to its research capacities and expertise, the University of South Bohemia contributes to the development of European capacities that are essential for the sustainable development and competitiveness of the Czech Republic. Collaboration with other academic institutions, industrial partners, and public organizations enables the University to effectively utilize and share resources, which strengthens its position in the field of international research and education.

  • Czech Arctic Research Station


    Czech Arctic Research Station

    The Czech Arctic Research Station is named after the Czech-Canadian polar ecologist Josef Svoboda. The station is located in the central part of the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and is used by both Czech and foreign scientists, offering all the comfort and logistical support for research.

    The University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science operates the station. The station consists of three parts: Payer House, Nostoc, and the yacht R/V Clione.

    Centre for Polar Ecology

    More information here



    LTER-CZ (Long-Term Ecosystem Research)

    The Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) is a network of research sites dedicated to studying ecosystems, particularly regarding the impact of human activity on the condition and development of experimental plots from a long-term perspective.

    The CENAKVA Center, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, manages the research site RIVER ELBE. It coordinates activities related to providing data to users in an 'open access' mode.

    More information here

  • Elter



    Based on the 'Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation' between LRI CzechGlobe and LRI CENAKVA (Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters) dated April 26, 2019, the national consortium 'DANUBIUS CZ' was established. The goal of CENAKVA is to provide the consortium with specific services, know-how,  opportunity for open access and research collaboration.

    The results achieved through the research activities of the research infrastructure have high societal relevance, extending into the political and business spheres.

    More information here

Science and research at the faculties
  • Ekonomická

    of Economics

  • Přírodovědecká

    of Science

  • Pedagogická

    of Education

  • Teologická

    of Theology

  • Fakulta rybářství
    a ochrany vod

    Faculty of Fisheries
    and Protection
    of Waters

  • Fakulta zemědělská
    a technologická

    Faculty of Agriculture
    and Technology

  • Filozofická

    of Arts

  • Zdravotně
    sociální fakulta

    Faculty of Health
    and Social Sciences

Read more …Other national infrastructures and consortia

National Infrastructures on the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures

The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures in the Czech Republic is a strategic document that outlines the concept for the support and development of research infrastructures in the Czech Republic.

Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures

PDF available for download here

Podporujeme a děláme vědu

Science and research at the faculties
  • Ekonomická

    of Economics

  • Přírodovědecká

    of Science

  • Pedagogická

    of Education

  • Teologická

    of Theology

  • Fakulta rybářství
    a ochrany vod

    Faculty of Fisheries
    and Protection
    of Waters

  • Fakulta zemědělská
    a technologická

    Faculty of Agriculture
    and Technology

  • Filozofická

    of Arts

  • Zdravotně
    sociální fakulta

    Faculty of Health
    and Social Sciences

Read more …National Infrastructures on the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures

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