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Czech Republic Lights Up Blue 2023

Since 2014, the Platforma Naděje pro Autismus has been organising a nationwide awareness campaign "Czech Republic Lights Up Blue" to raise awareness of the nature of autism and living with it. The University of South Bohemia is one of the institutions that have subscribed to this awareness campaign.

The ‘Czech Republic Lights Up Blue’ 2023 campaign, by which the Czech Republic will once again join the global campaign ‘Light It Up Blue!’, the purpose of which is to alert the public to the existence of autism and to express support for people living with this lifelong difference and their families, is held under the auspices of the Archbishop of Prague Mons. Jan Graubner.

It launches on 2 April, which the UN has designated as World Autism Awareness Day, and runs for the whole month as is traditionally the case.

The motto of the 10th year of the campaign, ‘RECOGNITION-UNDERSTANDING-ACCEPTANCE’, symbolises the milestones of the journey from the initial rejection of any difference, which we are able to accept, to the RECOGNITION that helps us to UNDERSTAND and eventually ACCEPT the difference of people on the autism spectrum.

The theme of the campaign – Passport of a person with ASD and Communication File as a means to ensure appropriate access to people on the autism spectrum. They serve to recognise and help understand difference. They were created with the aim of changing the attitude of the professional public and professions that come into contact with people with ASD and their families or escorts within their scope of practice. They help to improve mutual understanding between mainstream society and people on the autism spectrum.

The spreading of awareness about the nature of autism and the default rules of access to them was mandated by Government Resolution No 101 of 2016 to the relevant ministries – the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health – on the basis of the Initiative for Improving the Situation of Persons with ASD and Their Families.…55/

The experiences of the past years and the current situation in the world are frustrating for everyone, especially for people with autism and their loved ones.

Expressing understanding and respect for people on the autism spectrum can be done in a variety of ways. By participating in social, educational or sporting events, by wearing blue clothing or simply sharing information.

Your participation means significant encouragement and recognition to all those who live with this difference or encounter autism in their daily lives as parents, siblings, grandparents or those who help them professionally.

The partner of the 10th year of the campaign is the company ROZSVIŤME SVĚT.CZ

We appreciate and thank you for your understanding, respect and acceptance of people on the autism spectrum, not just the campaign.

Platforma Naděje pro Autismus

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