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Directors, chief nurses and other representatives of South Bohemian hospitals visited students on Health Professions Day

This year's Health Professions Day, a traditional event with a friendly atmosphere and lively discussions, took place in the two largest lecture halls of the FHSS USB and then in workshops in classrooms throughout the second floor of the main building. The main aim is to introduce our students to the different hospitals and inform them of the opportunities they offer after graduation. That is why this year the directors, chief nurses and other representatives of South Bohemian hospitals came to the faculty to see them, as they need them among their employees and offer them prospects and a number of benefits in return for quality work. At the same time, this event is a useful opportunity to strengthen mutual relations with the management of the faculty and lecturers in medical disciplines, because the cooperation between South Bohemian hospitals and FHSS USB is very intense and mutually beneficial.

Dean of the faculty Mgr. Ivana Chloubová, Ph.D., welcomed the guests in the morning in the completely full hall E, who were important representatives of the holding company of Jihočeská nemocnice, a. s. She introduced the audience: students of the second and third years of health-oriented degree programmes. She recalled that the idea to meet regularly in this way originated at our faculty eight years ago. ‘I am glad that we have good partnership, friendship and friendship relations, because personal contacts matter a lot. These meetings are a manifestation of our cooperation not only in the field of teaching, education, scientific research, but also in other areas,’ she summed up in her introduction. South Bohemian hospitals are important clinical workplaces for FHSS USB, where students go for practical training. Therefore, every moment when we can meet and clarify what needs to be ensured to ensure that the teaching is of the highest quality and that FHSS USB can send graduates to practice prepared in the way the hospitals need. This event also provides excellent feedback to our faculty. In addition, FHSS USB is not only a source of future employees for hospitals, but also of colleagues and collaborators, including in the field of scientific research.

Rector of the University of South Bohemia prof. Ing. Pavel Kozák, Ph.D., who has been in office since the beginning of April, described the Health Professions Day as a stepping stone to the future. ‘I believe that many of you will stay in our region to choose your future employers,’ he told the students in the hall. He reminded the audience that FHSS USB is the second largest faculty in terms of the number of students. However, in the future, in 10 to 15 years, the situation seems to be that there will be a shortage of non-medical workers in the health care sector. Therefore, the University of South Bohemia must prepare itself to be able to accept even more students than it is now.

All directors and other representatives of the management of South Bohemian hospitals confirmed their interest in our graduates. ‘If you are looking for a guarantee of a secure job, varied specialisations and are not afraid of a high work pace, we will be happy to welcome you into our ranks,’ stated the General Director of the České Budějovice Hospital, MUDr. Ing. Michal Šnorek, Ph.D. The audience was also greeted by the Director of Strakonice Hospital MUDr. Bc. Tomáš Fiala, MBA, who said that the students have chosen a beautiful profession. "Healthcare and social care will always be here and their level will always increase," he assured the audience. Afterwards, representatives of other hospitals spoke to the students and invited them to participate in small group discussions, with head nurses discussing specific departments in detail, including the remuneration and benefits system, and answering questions in the halls and classrooms. The event was characterised by honesty and openness, which is a prerequisite for well-functioning relationships. ‘You have chosen the right job, and if you want to do it with love and humility, you don't have to worry about being on the unemployment list in the Czech Republic or anywhere else. Put your heart into it and enjoy your work,’ said the director of Prachatická Hospital Ing. Michal Čarvaš, MBA.


South Bohemian hospitals are a place where a large number of students come to practice. The motto of our faculty is Teaching people to help. 'We are trying to help the healthcare sector mainly by preparing quality graduates - and of course, without the cooperation and help of these important clinical departments, we would not be able to prepare students for the demanding work they will do in healthcare facilities,' emphasized Dean dr. Ivana Chloubová.

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