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FHSS USB prepared another successful first aid workshop for Biskupské gymnázium

The workshop for 120 grammar school students focused on the basics of first aid, which was organised in September by the USB Faculty of Health and Social Sciences for the Biskupské gymnázium in České Budějovice. For several years now, students of the General Nursing and Paramedic Rescue programmes have been training the attendees of the cycling camp organised by the grammar school near Nová Pec near Lipno Lake directly in the field.

The Biskupské gymnázium sees this cooperation as a significant help and enrichment of the course. It already has good experience with the fact that the lecturers are university students who are close to the students in age. This allows them to pass on information and skills more easily than their usual teachers. ‘We will be grateful if our cooperation can continue next year,’ said teacher Mgr. Martina Kaňková, who wrote a letter of praise to USB Vice-Rector for Internal Evaluation Prof. Tomáš Machula, Ph.D., Th.D.

The (not only) first aid lessons were provided by 12 students from the second and third years, who prepared a program for the students for the whole afternoon. They created several thematically different stations, brought with them tools and models and also took great care to create a very impressive camouflage of injuries.

Professor Machula was very pleased with this response and handed it over to the Rector of the University of South Bohemia. ‘As Vice-Rector for Internal Evaluation, I take this as great feedback from our cooperating schools. And thank you again to everyone involved,’ he said.

Further details HERE(CZ).

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