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Institute of Romance Studies and Institute of Archaeology deepen cooperation with the University of Peru

On Friday, 25 October 2024, the Erasmus+ Institutional Agreement between the University of South Bohemia (JU) and the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT) for the period 2024/2027 was virtually signed. This is the second opportunity for the Faculty of Arts of the JU to support student and teacher mobility through the Erasmus+ International Mobility Project (KA171) for cooperation with Latin America.

Thanks to the first Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project (2020/2023), bilateral student and academic mobility took place, which enriched the teaching of Spanish Philology at the Department of Romance Studies of the USB Faculty of Arts. Both institutions have expressed interest in continuing the successful cooperation. In 2022, the cooperation has been extended to the field of archaeology, coordinated by the Institute of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts of the JU. Thanks to the new financial support for the period 2024/2027, it will now be possible to build on the existing results and ensure the continuity of cooperation in the field of corpus and computational linguistics and Peruvian literature (Institute of Romance Studies of the Faculty of Arts) and in the field of technologies of non-destructive archaeology and its contribution to environmental protection (Institute of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts). The project will support the arrival of Peruvian students at the Faculty of Archaeology and the bilateral mobility of teachers.

The established cooperation will deepen the academic ties between USB (Institute of Romance Studies, Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts) and UNT (Facultad de Educación y Ciencias de Comunicación and Facultad de Ciencias Sociales) and offer opportunities for further development in the field of joint research topics. The implementation of the individual mobilities is planned for the academic year 2025/2026.

The signing ceremony took place virtually with the participation of 19 representatives of both universities and diplomatic institutions. The representatives of the universities appreciated the benefits of this cooperation, which not only strengthens professional relations between the institutions, but also creates a platform for new scientific projects. "The acquisition of the project gives a new impetus to our cooperation. I am looking forward to the Peruvian colleagues and students who will come to us during the project. It opens up new possibilities for deepening scientific cooperation, both in the field of archaeology and in the field of linguistics and literary science - joint conferences, joint publications, which can help in planning applications for international scientific grants," said the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Ondřej Pešek, PhD.

Participants from USB were:

doc. Ing. Vladimír Žlábek, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for International Relations 

Prof. PhDr. Ondřej Pešek, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Arts, USB

doc. PhDr. Rostislav Smíšek, Ph.D., Vice Dean for International Relations and Development of the Faculty of Arts USB

prof. PhDr. Jan Radimský, Ph.D., Director of the Department of Romance Studies, Faculty of Arts, Vice-Dean for Accreditation and Quality Management, Faculty of Arts

doc. Mgr. Ondřej Chvojka, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Project Coordinator for Archaeology

PhDr. Jana Pešková, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Spanish Philology, Department of Romance Studies, Faculty of Arts, Project Coordinator for Spanish Philology

Mgr. Zdeňka Novotná, Head of the Department of International Relations, USB, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Za UNT se účastnili:

Dr. Carlos Alberto Vásquez Boyer, Rector

Dr. Juan Amaro Villacorta Vásquez, Vice-Rector for Education

Dr. Guillermo Arturo García Pérez, Vice-Rector for Science

Dr. Carlos Francisco Mozo Blas, Dean Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

Mg. Alejandro Eljov Yepjen Ramos, Director Escuela de Arqueología

Dra. Aurea Elizabeth Rafael Sánchez, Dean Facultad de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación

Dr. Steban Alejandro Ilich Zerpa, Director Oficina de Relaciones Nacionales e Internacionales

Lic. Yreno Juan Polo Huacacolqui, Registrar Oficina de Relaciones Nacionales e Internacionales

Mg. Zoran Evaristo Herrera Mejía, Coordinator of Spanish Philology, expert in Peruvian literature

Lic. Patricia del Rocío Rosas Sánchez, Oficina de Relaciones Nacionales e Internacionales UNT

For other institutions:

Carlos Del Castillo Giuffra, the Council of the Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Prague

Sr. Pedro Ramirez Solsol, Director Oficina Desconcentrada del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en Trujillo


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