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International success of USB, we are becoming a European university

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice has achieved international success. In cooperation with 10 other European universities, it has succeeded in a joint project in the European University Initiative and will be part of the consortium of European universities KreativEU (Knowledge & Creativity European University) from 2025. Thus, our University has successfully fulfilled one of the main objectives of the USB Strategic Plan for 2021–2030 and has gained a seal of quality and prestige in the field of internationalisation. 

The KreativEU consortium is a unique alliance of universities across Europe, aiming to connect local and national heritage, traditions, crafts, arts and folklore with shared European values. The project of the universities in the KreativEU consortium is built on a shared vision of the importance of European cultural and artistic diversity as a driver of cohesion, equality, sustainability and peace, as well as on the educational, economic, political, social and scientific aspects of innovation and development.

The consortium brings together universities from 11 EU countries:

The consortium's activities focus on joint activities in the fields of education, research, innovation and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, enabling students, academics and researchers from partner universities to participate in the joint development of science and education, contributing to new knowledge, discoveries and innovations across universities and countries. New joint degree programmes will be developed within the KreativEU consortium for both doctoral and master's studies. Joint research is being planned, summer schools will be organised and student and staff mobilities will be supported. All this will contribute to the creation of a European University unique in its kind, able to offer a competitive and attractive European education and research system.

A new generation of students and EU citizens will emerge through the KreativEU consortium, working together across cultures, borders, languages and disciplines. This will create a common KreativEU European campus that will aim to connect individual universities and their knowledge and creativity with education, research and innovation.

The involvement of the University of South Bohemia in the KreativEU consortium will also have significant social benefits that will be felt in many areas in the life of the city of České Budějovice and the South Bohemian Region.

As part of the European university alliance, the University of South Bohemia is becoming a leader in international cooperation together with 12 other Czech universities involved in European university alliances.

The Czech Republic is thus already represented in 12 alliances: 

  • 4EU+ (Charles University), 2019 Call

  • EDUC (Masaryk University), 2019 Call

  • Aurora (Palacký University Olomouc), 2020 Call

  • EuroTeQ (Czech Technical University in Prague), 2020 Call

  • NEOLAiA (University of Ostrava), 2023 Call

  • STARSEU (Silesian University in Opava), 2023 Call

  • U!REKA (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava), 2023 Call

  • EULiST (Brno University of Technology), 2023 Call

  • EUPeace (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen), 2023 Call

  • HEROES (Mendel University in Brno), 2024 Call

  • KreativEU (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice), 2024 Call

  • PIONEER (Tomas Bata University in Zlín), 2024 Call

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