Open Day attracted hundreds of visitors to the University of South Bohemia and introduced new study programmes

The University of South Bohemia has opened its doors to all graduates and others interested in studying at all eight faculties. They could see classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, studios and sports facilities. Students, teachers and guarantors of individual study programmes answered their questions. There was also interest in the newly accredited bachelor's degree programmes.
Each faculty presented the offer of its study programmes, which total 220, namely bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes. All information about applications, entrance examinations and the study at USB was provided to applicants in the information blocks of each faculty, where an accompanying programme with practical demonstrations was waiting for them.
"The requirements of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports imply that for the next academic year there is a need to increase the number of students in non-medical medical disciplines and also in pedagogical disciplines. Our university is ready to accept a higher number of students in these fields and to provide quality education. The newly accredited bachelor's degree programmes have also arisen from the requirements of employers in our region and from the demand of applicants for current topics of the future, such as sustainability in energy, environment, economy, agriculture and other areas," explained the USB Rector Pavel Kozák.
For the current academic year, 2,500 students have enrolled in the first years of the bachelor programmes. Due to the requirement to increase the number of students in the health and education programmes, USB expects this number to be even slightly higher for the academic year 2025/26.