Paramedic students again supported the Society for Early Care

On Wednesday, December 6, thirty students of the first and second year of USB FHSS's Paramedics programme dived into the Malše River at the Malé jezero in České Budějovice to support the campaign DON'T BE A COWARD! DIVE FOR WOUND CARE!, which symbolically depicts the feelings of parents who have a child with a disability. They drew attention to the activities of the České Budějovice branch of the Society for Early Care, which is a clinical department of our faculty and organized this event for the third year. Ondřej Doskočil, the Vice-Dean of FHSS USB, took the initiative to join this fundraising event and once again plunged into the cold water with the students.
The participants, who first had to cut holes in the ice, were cheered on by the Dean of the Faculty Ivana Chloubová. 'It was a very successful event. I am proud of our students for being courageous and overcoming themselves for a good cause. Just like families with a child with a disability, our students overcame obstacles to reach their goal,' she summarized and thanked the students for coming and helping.
Zdenka Kohoutová from the Society for Early Care then briefly introduced the purpose and activities of early care and explained the context. When parents have a child with a serious disability, their lives are turned upside down. 'It's like falling into icy water. The family has to muster all their strength, learn to swim very quickly and struggle with life's unexpected entanglements,' she explained. She sees a parallel in the work of paramedics and early care services in that they are all fighting for time. 'Lifeguards have to be everywhere as soon as possible when something happens. So do we, because the first thousand days are crucial for a baby's start in life,' she explained.