After a one-year break, the hockey derby between USB and VŠTE took place again.
This duel has been organized for the sixth year by the Student Union of the University of South Bohemia and the Student Union of VŠTE. After more than two months of preparation we could see a beautiful match full of interesting plays. A new feature was a parade of several hundred USB students, which started right on the USB campus.
Overview of results:
1st year – 6:3 for USB
2nd year – 5:4 for VŠTE
3rd year – 4:1 for USB
4th year – 5:4 for VŠTE
5th year – 7:4 for VŠTE
This year – 8:1 for VŠTE
Thank you for the pleasant atmosphere and a great sporting experience. At the same time, we thank for the great organization of the event by the Student Union of VŠTE and the Student Union of USB.
Congratulations to the winning team from VŠTE České Budějovice.
Event partners:
Jihočeský kraj
Město České Budějovice
Budějovický Budvar, n. p.
Budvar aréna
Hudební klub K2
GoDrive - budějovický carsharing
Bouda Burgers
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel.+420 389 032 191 |
© University of South Bohemia
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