Rectors of universities in the Czech Republic, members of the Czech Rectors' Conference (CRC), are shocked by the situation in Israel, which has been subjected to terrorist attacks and declared a state of war.
These unprecedented terrorist horrors that have befallen Israel have adversely affected all areas of the lives of the people of Israel, including the staff and students of the universities that have had to be closed.
The CRC expresses its solidarity with all universities in Israel and offers its assistance, including psychological assistance, through its members, the rectors.
The universities of the Czech Republic are taking the necessary steps from Saturday 7 October 2023 to provide effective assistance to academics and students in Israel, as well as to all those working or studying in the universities of the Czech Republic. Currently, there are approximately 500 students from Israel studying in the universities of the Czech Republic.
Europe must be united. The universities of the Czech Republic, whose rectors are members of the CRC, are ready to provide assistance to Israeli citizens in a difficult life situation, especially to students and academics, within their capabilities, and to actively participate in humanitarian and other necessary aid. The CCR has taken and will continue to take steps to effectively assist the citizens of a country that has been the target of open terrorist aggression.
Prague, 10 October 2023.
Statement available for viewing HERE.
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