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Statement of the Czech Rectors Conference on the Russia's Attack on Universities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Statement of the Czech Rectors Conference on Russia's attack on universities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Rectors of Czech Republic HEIs, members of the Czech Rectors Conference, are deeply shaken and outraged by Russia's missile attack on universities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Yesterday's attack on the two largest universities in this Ukrainian city is another in a series of war crimes committed by Russia on the territory of a sovereign and independent neighboring state. After the attacks on theaters, hospitals, churches and shopping centers, universities are now coming next.

The smoke screen of constant Russian lies, manipulations and fabrications cannot hide the true nature of reality, which is the senseless, unjustifiable and criminal Russian aggression against independent Ukraine and the brutal and bloody offensive war waged against the entire Ukrainian society and its democratic establishment.

Russia with its current aggressive war policy cannot be considered a civilized state. With its actions in Ukraine, Russia has not only been systematically committing war crimes for many months, but also fulfills the signs of state terrorism with its barbaric attacks on civilian targets and the civilian population. Yesterday's attack on Ukrainian universities is another such act that only further confirms Russia's disrespect for any civilizational values ​​and deep hatred of freedom.

In this context, the Czech Rectors Conference calls on all members of the political representation of the Czech Republic to continue to systematically work together with European partners and allies to ensure that similar crimes committed by Russia do not go unanswered and that support and assistance to Ukraine continue, including support and assistance to workers and students of Ukrainian universities who may be affected or threatened in any way.

Brno, 15 July 2022

On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference

Prof. Martin Bareš

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