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Students and other cold water swimmers will support the Early Care Society

After the great success of last year's event, which was significantly supported by the students of the USB Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, comes another challenge from the Early Care Society. In order to support the services for families with children with early childhood disabilities that the society helps, the society is organising the ‘Don't be a chicken! Get Wet for Early Care’. On Thursday, 8 December, it is organising an event at the Malý jez in České Budějovice, which is intended for students of all faculties but not only for them. From 3:30 pm onwards, those who are not afraid to step into the cold river will meet there, and other visitors are also welcome – they can come to cheer, have a punch or something good to eat.

Last year, the bar was set high by the students of the students of Paramedicine at FHSS USB, nearly twenty of whom entered Malše, and then contributed a total of CZK 1 600 to the organisers. The money raised in this campaign, which lasts until the end of January, will help the counsellors to travel to families' homes and support them during a difficult time in their lives. This service is free of charge for families, and the funding for early care must come from donors (in addition to the subsidy programmes of the region, towns and municipalities), otherwise, early care would not be able to function. Anyone can contribute according to their means, and any donation is welcome. For example, CZK 1 000 = specialized eye examination of the child; CZK 500 = consultation in the family; CZK 300 = customised aid for the child, etc.

The name of the event ‘Don't be a chicken! Get wet for early care’ is symbolic: the moment parents learn that their child will have a serious disability, they feel ‘like they have been thrown into ice water’. They have to learn how to swim very quickly, and it is in this difficult period that early care helps them. In addition to attending and making a monetary donation, people can support families of children with disabilities and early care services in other ways, more details are HERE.

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