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Sustainability and social responsibility are a priority and a challenge for a modern university

This year, for the first time, the University of South Bohemia took part in the European Sustainable Development Week and made it clear, together with other universities, that it is not indifferent to the future of this planet. From 20 to 26 September, students, staff and the general public could visit excursions, lectures and other events focused on sustainable development.

Even before the start of the European Sustainable Development Week, representatives of 13 Czech higher education institutions and universities had the opportunity to meet and present the topics that are important to them in this area. This is all thanks to the Association for Social Responsibility, the largest UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative in the Czech Republic, which organised the meeting in Prague

During the Sustainable Development Week itself, faculties had the opportunity to show what the broad concept of sustainable development means to them. Whether it is water and energy management, responsible consumption, FairTrade awareness, highlighting the risks of disinformation, or thorough education of health professionals and care for health and the environment,’ Barbora Štumpfová from the Strategy and Development Office explained the University's involvement, adding that there were also three lectures combined with a field trip.

‘It is becoming increasingly clear that even for public universities, the topic of sustainability should not be just a phrase and that it is essential to focus on this area. We see this as a major challenge and we are planning further activities in the area of development, such as campus revitalisation and other necessary steps,’ concluded Bursar Hojdekr.

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