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The twenty-fifth anniversary year of the Werner von Siemens Prize has begun

The twenty-fifth year of the Werner von Siemens Prize for engineering, science and medical students and young scientists has been announced. ‘To be meaningful, support for science and education must be systematic and long-term. I believe that by organising the Werner von Siemens Prize competition for a quarter of a century we have been proving how important we consider technical and science education and pedagogical work to be,’ said Eduard Palíšek, CEO of the Siemens Group in the Czech Republic, at the launch of the competition. Candidates can apply via the website until 30 November 2022.

The twenty-fifth year of the competition will distribute one million crowns in eight categories, with the best thesis and dissertation category, along with student awards and a financial reward for thesis supervisors/teachers.

Announced categories:
1. Most significant result of basic research (individual or research team)

  1. Best teaching staff member
  2. Best graduation thesis (first three places + the thesis supervisor)
  3. The best dissertation (first three places + supervisor)
  4. Award for overcoming obstacles during studies (the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral student is nominated by members of the academic community within the university)
  5. Special award for excellence in women's scientific work
  6. Best graduate thesis (graduation thesis/dissertation) addressing the Industry 4.0 concept
  7. Best graduate thesis (graduation thesis/dissertation) dealing with smart infrastructure and energy

The general public can also participate in the nominations – candidates and their theses can be nominated via the website If the nominated candidate wins, the nominator will receive a prize of CZK 10 000.

About the competition:
The Werner von Siemens Prize is organized by Siemens Czech Republic together with prominent representatives of universities and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, who are also the guarantors of the individual categories and participate in the evaluation of the works. Traditionally, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Industry and Trade have taken over the patronage of the award ceremony. The Werner von Siemens Prize is one of the most important independent initiatives of this kind in the Czech Republic in terms of its scope, the amount of financial rewards and its history. In the previous twenty-four years of the competition, 431 students, teachers and scientists have been awarded prizes, and over CZK 14.3 million has been paid out in prizes.

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