For the fifth time, the University of South Bohemia joined the nationwide project Researchers' Night, and so on 6 October at 5 p.m. the gates of the campus, all faculties of the University of South Bohemia and the Academic Library were opened and visitors could choose from more than 80 programmes not only in České Budějovice but also in Nové Hrady. The central theme of this year's Researchers' Night was Mystery, and all faculties offered an extremely interesting and varied programme, which aimed to show the premises of all faculties, classrooms and laboratories but mainly to give visitors an insight into what the work of a scientist looks like. At the University of South Bohemia, we visited mysterious places of our country and tried to recognise the places of dark tourism by their sounds, we tried to unravel the mystery of water and its cycle, we tried to unravel the mystery of how we can use colours in agriculture, we found out more about spies, coded messages and the mysterious language of robots, and anatomical virtual glasses allowed us to unravel the mystery of the human body
The programme involved not only the University of South Bohemia, but also the Biology Centre of the CAS, the University of Technology and Economics and the České Budejovice Observatory and Planetarium.
This event is very popular, as evidenced by this year's very high attendance, when more than 2,700 visitors came to see the programme, among them mainly families with children.
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel.+420 389 032 191 |
© University of South Bohemia
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