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USB Alumni recommends studying at the University of South Bohemia

Nice and successful Alumni from Ukraine Anna Kolešová, PhD, who studied at the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters the programme Fishery, gave us answers to a few questions about studying in the Czech Republic and the University of South Bohemia. She is going to represent USB on Study In the Czech Republic, section Alumni.

What made you decide to move and study in CR?

During my master studies at the Kharkiv National University of V. N. Karazin prof. Otomar Linhart visited us and gave a lecture. His lecture was about the structure and productivity of USB, and especially on the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters. It was so impressive for me and it was my biggest motivation to move and study in CR.

Which study programme did you choose and why?

I chose fishery programme, because I like fish and I am really interested in their reproduction and biology.

What did you enjoy the most during your time in CR?

Frankly, I enjoy many things. I love the Czech culture, food, people. All this motivated me to do my best to stay in Czechia.

Did it help in your professional career? Did you continue your studies after finishing your programme? Did you find a job? How are you pursuing your career now?

Of course it helped me so much in my professional career. Thanks to study here I obtained many interesting courses and conferences. I got high knowledge in fish reproduction and handling. All this motivated me to continue to work as a scientific researcher after my study. After my study I directly become a researcher at the faculty. After four years working at the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters I found a postdoctoral position in China, where I worked for one year. After I returned back to Czechia I started to continue working as a researcher at the faculty.

Who would you recommend study in CR?

As one of my professional duty I visit different universities abroad. Therefore, with a big pleasure I recommend to my friends and colleagues to study in Czechia, especially at USB, since I perceive USB as one of the leading institute in Europe!


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