USB back on bikes, this time for a good cause

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB) decided to take part in the international cycling challenge Academic Bicycle Challenge 2022 again this year. By participating and placing well, USB demonstrated not only its team spirit and passion for movement coupled with environmental protection but also its passion for a good cause. For every kilometre ridden, the university donated CZK 1 to charity.
The Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) is an international cycling competition for universities and higher education institutions that aims to find the most active cycling institutions of higher education around the world. It helps to raise the international prestige and awareness of the individual universities involved and above all, it promotes a healthy lifestyle and encourages active environmental protection.
The ABC Challenge continues to run throughout 2022 and individual domestic and international universities can join the challenge over the course of the year and choose a month during which they will attempt to ride as many kilometres as possible to achieve the best possible position in the university rankings globally.
Jihočeská univerzita v letošním ročníku najezdila neuvěřitelných 37 090 km a svým umístěním na předních příčkách v ABC tak ukázala, že je prvoligovou institucí nejen v oblastech vzdělávání, vědy a výzkumu, ale také v odhodlání, sportovních výkonech a týmové spolupráci.
This year, the University of South Bohemia has covered a staggering 37 090 kilometres and has shown by its top position in the ABC rankings that it is a first-class institution not only in the areas of education, science and research but also in commitment, sports performance and teamwork.
In this year's ABC, the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice supported activities related to movement as well as a worthwhile cause. The amount raised was donated to Autis Centrum o.p.s., České Budějovice, which helps people with autism and their families. On Friday 1 July 2022, Prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Dr., USB Rector, together with the USB Bursar Ing. Jiřina Valentová and Ing. Michal Hojdekr, MBA, USB Vice-Rector for Development, presented a cheque to the Director of Autis Centrum České Budějovice Mgr. Milena Urbanová. 'The financial donation will be used for the purchase of rehabilitation aids and additional equipment for the new weekly residential centre for clients with autism, thanks to which the clients of Autis Centrum have a chance to become independent in adulthood. We are very happy and appreciate the trust and support from the University of South Bohemia. We would like to thank all those who have supported us with their activities and we cordially invite teachers and students to the grand opening of the residential centre, which will take place on 2 September this year,' said the director.
The cheque awarding and closing ceremony was attended not only by representatives of the USB management and Autis Centrum České Budějovice but also by representatives of the faculty with the highest number of kilometres covered, members of the best cycling team and the best male and female riders, who received prizes and trophies for their great performances.
The best rider was MSc. Vitaliy Kholodnyy, Ph.D., a researcher at the USB Faculty of Fisheries and Water Protection. The award for the best female rider went to Bc. Lucie Kačerová, head of the Student Affairs Office of the USB Faculty of Fisheries and Water Protection.
Riders from the best team named 'FROV 1' along with three other teams from the same faculty contributed to the overall victory of the USB Faculty of Fisheries and Water Protection. The teams jointly covered 18 198 km in the competition. The prize for the faculty was received by the Dean of the faculty prof. Ing. Pavel Kozák, Ph.D.
Our thanks also go to Mr Vlastimil Šram from KV Roudenské jízdní for lending us his historical bicycles for promotional photos and to Mr Jiří Šindelář, chairman of the board and chronicler of the Czech Velocipedist Club Podšumavan, z.s.
The involvement and commitment of all riders within the ABC was important, whether they rode only a few kilometres or tens or hundreds. Participating in the challenge was a motivation to get moving and active and also provided a chance to relieve exam stress and tension and contribute to a good cause. We are very grateful to everyone involved and look forward to next year's cycling challenge.
The winners of the ABC within the University of South Bohemia:
- Grand Champion: Vitaliy Kholodnyy, FFPW USB
- Grand Champion: Lucie Kačerová, FFPW USB
- Best Team: ‘FROV 1’
- members of the victorious team:
Pavel Kozák
Lucie Kačerová
Veronika Piačková
Eliška Zusková
Soňa Vodková
Pavlína Gápová
Šárka Beranová
Milada Vazačová
Vitaliy Kholodnyy
Petra Kokořová
- Faculty Cup: FFPW USB
The management of the University of South Bohemia wishes all students and employees a wonderful summer and lots of amazing experiences not only while cycling.