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Centre of Information Technologies

The Centre of Information Technologies (CIT) is a University-wide unit responsible for the administration and development of centralised information systems and the information infrastructure at USB.

The Centre of Information Technologies (CIT) includes:

CIT Director
  • The Director of the CIT is directly subordinate to the Rector, methodologically managed by the Vice-Rector for Management and Public Affairs to whom he/she is accountable for his/her work,
  • directly manages the CIT Help Desk staff members in the field of administrative activities,
  • directly manages executive employees of APS, SIS, and HD and KC,
  • manages and coordinates CIT work in relation to provided services and its work,
  • coordinates and ensures a draft Strategy of CIT Service Development at USB,
  • is a member of the CIT Board of USB, coordinates and proposes the agenda of its meetings,
  • Coordinates the preparation of internal standards and methodological guidelines within the competence of CIT,
  • Issues measures and methodological guidelines in the field of IT and IT security for employees of all USB constituent parts,
  • coordinates public procurement within the scope of power of the CIT,
  • manages and coordinates work in the context of the CIT project activity,
  • manages ISMS at USB, is the Director of ISMS and a member of the Security Forum of USB,
  • addresses security incidents concerning IT at USB,
  • prepares a budget for university-wide IT services and checks its use,
  • coordinates the purchase of university-wide SW licences,
  • provides consultations to faculties, USB constituent parts and Rectorate departments,
  • coordinates contractual relationships related to the USB connection to CESNET2 and indirect connection of other organisations to the national research network,
  • under the power of attorney granted by the Rector, represents USB at general meetings of CESNET, z.s.p.o.
CIT Information Infrastructure Management Office (USII)
  • The CIT Information Infrastructure Management Office (USII) secures the operation and development of the USB backbone academic network and its connection to the CESNET network,
  • secures the administration and development of optical routes, passive as well as active elements of the USB backbone network,
  • secures the administration and development of university-wide network services and servers,
  • secures the administration and development of central data storage devices of USB,
  • secures the administration and development of central database servers of USB,
  • secures the administration of the wireless network of USB, including its integration into the eduroam network,
  • secures security and backup of university-wide servers and services,
  • secures the administration of central web servers of USB,
  • secures the administration of the USB user identity management system (IDM), ensures its development and connection to the other IS,
  • secures the administration of central authentication and authorization systems (LDAP, Shibboleth, FreeRadius),
  • secures user and methodological support for hardware, software, and provided network services (FTP, WWW, e-mail, DNS, DHCP, and other),
  • secures the indirect connection of other organisations to the national research network and the administration of the CESNET network node in České Budějovice,
  • secures the administration and development of the ‘Academic digital telephone network’.
CIT Terminal Equipment Management Office (USKZ)
  • The CIT Terminal Equipment Management Office (USKZ) secures the administration of the central domain Active Directory of USB,
  • secures the administration of Microsoft 365 services for USB,
  • secures the administration of authentication services and SSO within AD and Microsoft 365,
  • secures the administration of university-wide licences for USB,
  • provides user and methodological support concerning AD, Microsoft 365, and other systems that the Department administers,
  • secures the administration of PC and the Rectorate network and the network of the Faculty of Arts,
  • manages ordering and purchasing PC and other computing equipment for the Rectorate and the Faculty of Arts.
CIT Information Systems Management Office (USIS)
  • The CIT Information Systems Management Office (USIS) secures the administration of the STAG study system including modules in support of international mobilities,
  • secures the administration and support for e-learning systems and online instruction,
  • secures the administration of the system of student instruction evaluation,
  • secures the administration of the system of academic staff evaluation,
  • secures the administration of the OBD system for records of scientific-research activity at USB,
  • secures user and methodological support concerning administered information systems and the support for faculties when preparing reports for MEYS,
  • secures the administration of the system for records and the communication of employees of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs,
  • secures the administration of the system for records of LLL,
  • secures the administration of the system for electronic signatures,
  • secures the administration of the mobile application StuduJU,
  • secures the administration of e-circulation systems (orders, disposal notes, contracts, assets, etc.),
  • secures the administration of central economic systems (the economic system and file service iFIS, payroll and personnel system EGJE, the system for building and room condition surveys at USB, the internal payment system),
  • secures the administration of the organisational structure,
  • secures the administration of Oracle databases (in cooperation with CIT USII).
  • secures the administration and management of services of operators of mobile and land lines at USB (in cooperation with CIT HDKC).
CIT HelpDesk and Card Centre (HDKC)
  • The CIT HelpDesk and Card Centre (HDKC) provides support to users, handles requests and addresses issues of users (in cooperation with other CIT centres),
  • secures all tasks related to issuing and extending the validity of integrated electronic identification cards of students, employees as well as guests at USB,
  • secures the administration of the USB employee benefit of mobile services (in cooperation with CIT USII),
  • secures the administration and development of the integrated access system JIS.
  • secures the administration and development of the USB camera system,
  • secures access to recordings of the USB camera system,
  • participates in the administration of the internal payment system of USB (IPS),
  • secures the administration of the SafeQ system for administering printing and copying at USB,
  • secures user and methodological support concerning administered information systems,
  • secures handling complaints within the SafeQ system,
  • secures the administration of SafeQ/IPS charging machines,
  • secures the operation of the IPS cash desk.

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