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Mgr. Marie Fongaro, Ph.D.

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    FF Institute of Romance Studies | Researcher
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2023 Qualification to the position of “maître de conférence”. Approved by the National Council of Universities, France, Section 07 – Language Sciences

2018 2021 PhD in Phonetics and Language sciences. PhD thesis under bi-national supervision: Institute of Phonetics, Charles University, Czech Republic and Laboratory of NeuroPsychoLinguistics, University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, France

2016 2018 Master’s degree in Language sciences - Linguistics, Cognition, Communication. University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, France.

2016 2018 Master’s degree in Education and Teaching French philology. Institut Supérieur de Formation de l'Enseignement Catholique, Toulouse (2nd year) and Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès (1st year), France.

2017 Laureate of the CAPES-CAFEP externe Lettres Modernes.

2013 2016 Bachelor’s degree in French philology. Faculté libre de Lettres et Sciences humaines, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France.

2013 Křesťanské Gymnázium, Prague, Czech Republic.


from March 2024 Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Department of Romance Studies. MSCA postdoctoral fellowship CZ.

2022 - 2023 Faculté libre de Lettres et Sciences humaines, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France. Part-time lecturer.

2018 - 2021 Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès, France. PhD student.

2017 - 2018 Institut Supérieur d'Études Commerciales ISSEC Pigier - Toulouse. Teacher of French for higher education.

Creative activity

Journal articles

Hévrová, M., & Bořil, T. (2023). Cross-Linguistic Influence in L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals – Longitudinal study of phonetic drift. Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica. 2022/1 p.131-149. DOI: 10.14712/24646830.2022.33

Bořil, T., Šturm, P., Skarnitzl, R., Hévrová, M., & Köpke, B. (2022). The effect of non-conclusive melodic rises on Czech speech sounding French. Linguistica Pragensia 33(1), 125–141.

Peer-reviewed conference papers

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T., & Köpke, B. (2022). Perception of L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals by Czech monolinguals. In: Blecua B., Cicres J., Espejel M., Machuca, M. J. (Eds), Propuestas en fonética experimental: enfoques metodológicos y nuevas tecnologías. Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions, Girona,

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T., Köpke, B. (2020). Phonetic Attrition in Vowels’ Quality in L1 Speech of Late Czech-French Bilinguals. In: Sojka P., Kopeček I., Pala K., Horák A. (Eds), Text, Speech, and Dialogue. TSD 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12284. Springer, Cham.



Communications at conferences

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (July 2021). Perception of L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals by Czech monolinguals. Colloque International du Réseau d’Acquisition des Langues Secondes. “Influence translinguistique: Où en est-on aujourd’hui ?”, Toulouse, France.

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (June 2021). Perception of L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals by Czech monolinguals. VIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE FONÉTICA EXPERIMENTAL, Girona, Spain.

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T., & Köpke, B. (September 2020). Phonetic Attrition in Vowels’ Quality in L1 Speech of Late Czech-French Bilinguals. 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, Brno, Czech Republic.

Peer-reviewed communications (seminars)

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (January 2021). Phonetic attrition in L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals and extralinguistic factors. LingLunch of School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, Queen Mary University of London, Zoom Presentation.

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (November 2020). Phonetic Attrition in Vowels of L1 Speech of Late Czech-French Bilinguals. Doc/Post-Doc colloquium of Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Müchen.

Hévrová, M. (November 2018). Phonetic attrition and CLI in L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals. “Doktorandský seminář: projekty disertačních prací’’ (Doctoral seminar of Institute of Phonetics), Prague.

Hévrová, M. (October 2018). Attrition et CLI phonétiques en tchèque chez le bilingue tardif tchèque-français. Séminaire Octogone-Lordat “Work in progress: projets de theses”, Toulouse.


Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (March 2019). Attrition et CLI phonétiques en tchèque chez le bilingue tardif tchèque-français. Journées Scientifiques des Doctorants de CLESCO (JSDOC), Toulouse.

Hévrová, M., Bořil, T. & Köpke, B. (December 2018). Attrition et CLI phonétiques en tchèque chez le bilingue tardif tchèque-français. Journées d'études Réseau d’Acquisition des Langues Secondes. “Dimension sonore et acquisition des L2”, Nantes, France.

Communication to the lay public

Hévrová, M. (November 2020). Attrition phonétique en L1 des bilingues tardifs tchèque-français. Presentation, via Microsoft Teams, of my PhD work to bachelor students of Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.


Research Grants

2024 – 2026: Cross-Linguistic Influence in Vowels and Geminates (CLIVaG): Acoustic, perceptual and ERP study on L1 of late Salento Italian-French bilinguals; MŠMT, OP JAK č. CZ.02.01.01./00/22_010/0008126 – Principal investigator.

2020 – 2022: Cross-Linguistic Influence in L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals: Longitudinal study of phonetic drift; GAUK č. 206120 – Principal Investigator.

2018 – 2021: Phonetic attrition and cross-linguistic influence in L1 speech of late Czech-French bilinguals; PhD projekt, Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation – Principal Investigator.

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