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doc. Ing. Antonín Kouba, Ph.D.

  • Unit:
    FROV CAVP4 | Researcher - Academic
    FROV Laboratory of Freshwater Ecosystems | Associate Professor
    FROV Laboratory of Freshwater Ecosystems | Deputy Head
    FROV Division of the Vice-Dean for Science and Research | Vice-Dean
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Detail Authors Publication title Year Publication type Publication sub-type


doc. Antonín Kouba, Ph.D.
ResearcherID C-9338-2015

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Balzani, P., Haubrock, P.J., Russo, F., Kouba, A., Haase, P., Veselý, L., Masoni, A., Tricarico, E., 2021. Combining metal and stable isotope analyses to disentangle contaminant transfer in a freshwater community dominated by alien species. Environmental Pollution 268B: 115781. (IF 2020 = 8.071) 

Balzani, P., Kourantidou, M., Kouba, A., Tricarico, E., Haubrock, P.J., 2021. Metal accumulation in relation to size and body condition in an all-alien species community. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (accepted). (IF 2020 = 4.223)

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Japoshvili, B., Let, M., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Mumladze, L., 2021. Genetic diversity, phylogenetic position and morphometric analysis of Astacus colchicus (Decapoda, Astacidae): a new insight into Eastern European crayfish fauna. Integrative Zoology 16(3): 368-378. (IF 2020 = 2.654) 

Buřič, M., Haubrock, P.J., Veselý, L., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., 2021. Effective investments due to seasonal morphological changes? Possible reasons and consequences of allometric growth and reproduction in adult signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852). Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 85-96. (IF 2020 = 1.597) 

Chabera, J., Stara, A., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Zuskova, E., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2021. The effect of chronic exposure to chloridazon and its degradation product chloridazon-desphenyl on signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 208: 111645 (IF 2020 = 6.291)

Guo, W., Weiperth, A., Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Grabicová, K., Ložek, F., Veselý, L., Bláha, M., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2021. The effects of the herbicides terbuthylazine and metazachlor at environmental concentration on the burrowing behaviour of red swamp crayfish. Chemosphere 270: 128656. (IF 2020 = 7.086)

Haubrock, P.J., Oficialdegui, F.J., Zeng, Y., Patoka, J., Yeo, D.C.J., Kouba, A., 2021. The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture species with invasive potential in tropical and subtropical biodiversity hotspots. Reviews in Aquaculture 13: 1488-1530. (IF 2020 = 10.592)

Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Guo, W., Grabicová, K., Roje, S., Randák, T., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2021. A combination of six psychoactive pharmaceuticals at environmental concentrations alter the locomotory behavior of clonal marbled crayfish. Science of the Total Environment 751: 141383. (IF 2020 = 7.963)

Kouba, A., Lipták, B., Kubec, J., Bláha, M., Veselý, L., Haubrock,P.J., Oficialdegui, F.J., Niksirat, H., Patoka, J., Buřič, M., 2021. Survival, growth, and reproduction: Comparison of marbled crayfish with four prominent crayfish invaders. Biology 10: 422 (IF 2020 = 5.079) 

Let, M., Špaček, J., Ferenčík, M., Kouba, A., Bláha, M., 2021. Insecticides and drought as a fatal combination for a stream macroinvertebrate community in a catchment area exploited by large-scale agriculture. Water 13: 1352. (IF 2020 = 3.103)

Maiakovska, O., Andriantsoa, R., Tönges, S., Legrand, C., Gutekunst, J., Hanna, K., Pârvulescu, L., Novitsky, R., Weiperth, A., Sciberras, A., Deidun, A., Ercoli, F., Kouba, A., Lyko, F., 2021. Genome analysis of the monoclonal marbled crayfish reveals genetic separation over a short evolutionary timescale. Communications Biology 4: 74. (IF 2020 = 6.268)

Roje, S., Švagrová, K., Veselý, L., Sentis, A., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2021. Pilferer, murderer of innocents or prey? The potential impact of killer shrimp (Dikeogammarus villosus) on crayfish". Aquatic Sciences 83: 5. (IF 2020 = 2.744)

Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Vesely, L., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2021. Single and combined effects of thiacloprid concentration, exposure duration, and water temperature on marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis. Chemosphere 273: 128463. (IF 2020 = 7.086)

Veselý, L., Ruokonen, T.J., Weiperth, A., Kubec, J., Szajbert, B., Guo, W., Ercoli, F., Bláha, M., Buřič, M., Hämäläinen, H., Kouba, A., 2021. Trophic niches of three sympatric invasive crayfish of EU concern. Hydrobiologia 848: 727-737. (IF 2020 = 2.694)

Yuliana, E., Yonvitner, Akmal, S.G., Subing, R.A., Ritonga, S.A., Santoso, A., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., 2021. Import, trade and culture of non-native ornamental crayfish in Java, Indonesia. Management of Biological Invasions 12: 846–857. (IF 2020 = 2.663)

Mezinárodní konference
International Conferences

Oficialdegui, F.J., Haubrock, P.J., Zeng, Y., Patoka, J., Yeo, D.C.J., Kouba, A., 2021. The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture and pet-traded species with invasive potential. In: 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 12), Dublin, Ireland, July 25-30, 2021, p. 156.


Haubrock, P.J., Oficialdegui, F.J., Kouba, A., 2021. Redclaw – an aquaculture jewel or invader? Worldfishing & Aquaculture (April): 26-27.

Oficialdegui, F.J., Haubrock, P.J., Kouba, A., 2021. Are we making the same mistake again? The redclaw crayfish, a prominent aquaculture species introduced worldwide. Aquaculture Magazine 47 (1): 30-32.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Guo, W., Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Grabicová, K., Randák, T., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., 2020. Psychoactive compounds at environmental concentration alter burrowing behavior in the freshwater crayfish. Science of the Total Environment 711: 135138. (IF 2019 = 6.551)

Haubrock, P., Cuthbert, R., Veselý, L., Balzani, P., Baker, N., Dick, J., Kouba, A., 2020. Predatory functional responses under increasing temperatures of two life stages of an invasive gecko. Scientific Reports 10: 10119. (IF 2019 = 3.998)

Hossain, M.S., Guo, W., Martens, A., Adámek, Z., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2020. Potential of marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis to supplant invasive Faxonius immunis. Aquatic Ecology 54: 45-56. (IF 2019 = 1.429)

Kawai, T., Kouba, A., 2020. A description of postembryonic development of Astacus astacus and Pontastacus leptodactylus. Freshwater Crayfish 25: 103-116. (IF 2019 = not counted)

Lunda, R., Roy, K., Dvořák, P., Kouba, A., Mráz, J., 2020. Recycling biofloc waste as novel protein source for crayfish with special reference to crayfish nutritional standards and growth trajectory. Scientific Reports 10: 19607. (IF 2019 = 3,998; AIS 2019 = 1,263)

Mojžišová, M., Mrugała, A., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Vlach, P., Svobodová, J., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., 2020. Crayfish plague in Czechia: outbreaks from novel sources and testing for chronic infections. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 173: 107390. (IF 2019 = 2.074)

Niksirat, H., Levander, F., Kouba, A., James, P., 2020. Proteomic changes after fertilization and before first cleavage in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture 520: 734951. (IF 2019 = 3.224)

Svoboda, J., Fischer, D., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Šťástková, A., Brůčková, M., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., 2020. Experimental evaluation of the potential for crayfish plague transmission through the digestive system of warm-blooded predators. Journal of Fish Diseases 43: 129-138. (IF 2019 = 2.318)

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Kubec, J., Zuskova, E., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2020. Effects of metazachlor and its major metabolite metazachlor OA on early life stages of marbled crayfish. Scientific Reports 10: 875 (IF 2019 = 3.998)

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Chabera, J., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2020. Effects of chloridazon on early life stages of marbled crayfish. Chemosphere 257: 127189 (IF 2019 = 5.778)

Veselý, L., Ercoli, F., Ruokonen, T.J., Bláha, M., Kubec, J., Buřič, M., Hämäläinen, H., Kouba, A., 2020. The crayfish distribution, feeding plasticity, seasonal isotopic variation and trophic role across ontogeny and habitat in a canyon-shaped reservoir. Aquatic Ecology 54, 1169-1183. (IF 2019 = 1.429)

Weiperth, A., Bláha, M., Szajbert, B., Seprős, R., Bányai, Z., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., 2020. Hungary: a European hotspot of non-native crayfish biodiversity. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 421: 43. (IF 2019 = 1.364)

Yonvitner, Patoka, J., Yuliana, E., Bohatá, L., Tricarico, E., Karella, T., Kouba, A., Reynolds, J.D., 2020. Enigmatic hotspot of crayfish diversity at risk: invasive potential of non-indigenous crayfish if introduced to New Guinea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30: 219-224. (IF 2019 = 2.572)


Lipták, B., Kouba, A., 2020. "Neškodný" rak z nášho akvária. Zebra 1: 26-31.

Weiperth A., Kouba, A., Csányi B., Danyik T., Farkas A., Gál B., Józsa V., Patoka, J., Juhász V., Pârvulescu, L., Mozsár A., Seprős R., Staszny Á., Szajbert B., Ferincz Á. (2020): Az idegenhonos tízlábú rákok (Crustacea: Decapoda) helyzete Magyarországon /The present status of non-native decapod (Crustacea: Decapoda) species in Hungary/. Halászat (Hungarian Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries) 113: 61-69.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer reviewed journals and their IF
Fořt, M., Hossain, M.S., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Kozák, P., 2019. Agonistic interactions and dominance establishment in three crayfish species non-native to Europe. Limnologica 74:  73-79. (IF 2018 = 2.051)

Gebauer, R., Veselý, L., Vanina, T., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Drozd, B., 2019. Prediction of ecological impact of two alien gobiids in habitat structures of differing complexity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 1954-1961. (IF 2018 = 2.567)

Guo, W., Kubec, J., Veselý, L., Hossain, M.S., Buřič, M., McClain, R., Kouba, A., 2019. High air humidity is sufficient for successful egg incubation and early postembryonic development in the marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Freshwater Biology 64: 1603-1612. (IF 2018 = 3.404)

Haubrock, P.J., Kubec, J., Veselý, L., Buřič, M., Tricarico, E., Kouba, A., 2019. Water temperature as a hindrance, but not limiting factor for the survival of warm water invasive crayfish introduced in cold periods. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45: 788-794. (IF 2018 = 2.175)

Hossain, M.S., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2019. Morphometry, size at maturity, and fecundity of marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Zoologischer Anzeiger 281: 68-75. (IF 2018 = 1.601)

Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Grabicová, K., Grabic, R., Randák, T., Guo, W., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2019. Environmentally relevant concentrations of methamphetamine and sertraline modify the behavior and life history traits of an aquatic invertebrate. Aquatic Toxicology 213: 105222. (IF 2018 = 3.794)

Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., 2019. Still waters run deep: marbled crayfish dominate over red swamp crayfish in agonistic interactions. Aquatic Ecology 53: 97-107. (IF 2018 = 2.505)

Kubec, J., Hossain, S.M., Grabicová, K., Randák, T., Kouba, A., Grabic, R., Roje, S., Buřič, M., 2019. Oxazepam alters behavior of crayfish at diluted concentrations, Venlafaxine does not. Water 11: 196. (IF 2018 = 2.524)

Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., 2019. Communication, behaviour, and decision making in crayfish: A review. Zoologischer Anzeiger 278: 28-37. (IF 2018 = 1.601)

Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2019. Females bet on the known: crayfish females recognize and prefer males from familiar population, males are not picky. Hydrobiologia 842: 31-38. (IF 2018 = 2.325)

Lidova, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2019. Acute toxicity of two pyrethroid insecticides for five non-indigenous crayfish species in Europe. Veterinarni Medicina 64: 125-133. (IF 2018 = 0.636)

Lipták, B., Veselý, L., Ercoli, F., Bláha, M., Buřič, M., Ruokonen, T.J., Kouba, A., 2019. Trophic role of marbled crayfish in a lentic freshwater ecosystem. Aquatic Invasions 14: 299-309. (IF 2018 = 1.705)

Mrugała, A., Buřič, M., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A., 2019. May atyid shrimps act as potential vectors of crayfish plague? Neobiota 51: 65-80. (IF 2018 = 2.488)

Stara, A., Bellinvia, R., Velisek, J., Strouhova, A., Kouba, A., Faggio, C., 2019. Acute exposure of common yabby (Cherax destructor) to the neonicotinoid pesticide. Science of the Total Environment 665: 718-723. (IF 2018 = 5.589)

Stará, A., Kubec, J., Zusková, E., Buřič, M., Faggio, C., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2019. Effects of S-metolachlor and its degradation product metolachlor OA on marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Chemosphere 224: 616–625. (IF 2018 = 5.108)

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2019. Effects of s-metolachlor on early life stages of marbled crayfish. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 153: 87-94. (IF 2018 = 2.870)

Veselý, L., Boukal, D., Buřič, M., Kuklina, I., Fořt, M., Yazicioglu, B., Prchal, M., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Sentis, A., 2019. Temperature and prey density jointly influence trophic and non-trophic interactions in multiple predator communities. Freshwater Biology 64: 1984-1993. (IF 2018 = 3.404)

Weiperth, A., Gábris, V., Danyik, T., Farkas, A., Kuříková, P., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., 2019. Occurrence of non-native red cherry shrimp in European temperate waterbodies: a case study from Hungary. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 420: 9. (IF 2018 = 1.265)

Weiperth, A., Gál, B., Kuříková, P., Langrová, I., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., 2019. Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in Hungary with evidence of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in the wild. North-Western Journal of Zoology 15: 42-47, art. no e171303. (IF 2018 = 0.843)

Mezinárodní konference
International conferences

Buřič, M., Roje, S., Veselý, L., Svagrova, K., Fort, M., Kouba, A., 2019. Possible roles of killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus) in relation to invasive crayfish. In: 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 11), Zagreb, Croatia, June 30-July 5, 2019, p. 151.

Kouba, A., 2019. Crayfish species in Europe. In: The first Irish Crayfish Seminar, Galway, Ireland, 21–23 May 2019.

Kouba, A., 2019. Recent situation with alien crayfish species in Europe. In: The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26–30 May 2019, p. 75.

Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., 2019. Mated or virgin female: a new sexual object is of male interest. In: 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 11), Zagreb, Croatia, June 30-July 5, 2019, p. 432.

Niksirat, H., Yazicioglu, B., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2019. Effects of temperature and species on the duration of post-mating spermatophore storage of the freshwater crayfish. In: 11th symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 11), Zagreb, Croatia, June 30-July 5, 2019, p. 432.

Veselý, L., Ercoli, F., Ruokonen, T.J., Bláha, M., Kubec, J., Duras, J., Hämälainen, H., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., 2019. A strong variation of δ13C signal over the years in oligotrophic reservoir. In: 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 11), Zagreb, Croatia, June 30-July 5, 2019, p. 167.

Strouhová, A., Stará, A., Kouba, A., 2019. Neonicotinoids in aquatic ecosystems and their impact on non-target organisms. XIX. Toxicological Conference, International Conference Toxicity and Biodegradability of Matters Important in Aquatic Environments 2019, 21-23 august 2019, Vodňany, Czech Republic, Abstract book, p. 29.

Národní konference
National conferences

Stara, A., Pagano, M., Strouhova, A., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., Faggio, C., 2019. Acute toxicity effects of neonicotinoid pesticide on aquatic organisms. Kostelecké inspirování, Sborník abstraktů XI. Ročníku konference, 14.-15. listopadu 2019, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, ČZU Praha, Fakulta životního prostředí, Česká republika, ISBN: 978-80-213-2981-2, p. 89-90.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Bláha, M., Ložek, F., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2018. Native European branchiobdellidans on non-native crayfishes: report from the Czech Republic. Journal of Limnology 77: 164-168. (IF 2017 = 1.277)

Buřič, M., Grabicová, K., Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kuklina, I., Kozák, P., Grabic, R., Randák, T., 2018. Environmentally relevant concentrations of Tramadol and Citalopram alter behavior of an aquatic invertebrate. Aquatic Toxicology 200: 226-232. (IF 2017 = 3.884)

Gebauer, R., Divíšek, J., Buřič, M., Večeřa, M., Kouba, A., Drozd, B., 2018. Distribution of alien animal species richness in the Czech Republic. Ecology and Evolution 8: 4455-4464. (IF 2017 = 2.340)

Gebauer, R., Veselý, L., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Drozd, B., 2018 Forecasting impact of existing and emerging invasive gobiids under temperature change using comparative functional responses. Aquatic Invasions 13: 289-297. (IF 2017 = 1.976)

Hossain, M.S., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., 2018. Clonal crayfish as biological model: a review on marbled crayfish. Biologia 73: 841-855. (IF 2017 = 0.696)

Kouba, A., Lunda, R., Hlaváč, D., Kuklina, I., Hamáčková, J., Randák, T., Kozák, P., Koubová, A., Buřič, M., 2018. Vermicomposting of sludge from recirculating aquaculture system using Eisenia andrei: technological feasibility and quality assessment of end-products. Journal of Cleaner Production 177: 665-673. (IF 2017 = 5.651)

Kuklina, I., Ložek, F., Císař, P., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2018. Crayfish can distinguish between natural and chemical stimuli as assessed by cardiac and locomotor reactions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 8396-8403. (IF 2017 = 2.800)

Lipták, B., Liptáková, P., Veselý, L., Kouba, A., 2018. Length frequency and morphometric analysis of the non-indigenous red-rimmed melania (Melanoides tuberculata) populations in Slovakia. Biologia 73: 505-511. (IF 2017 = 0.696)

Patoka, J., Magalhães, A.L.B., Kouba, A., Faulkes, Z., Jerikho, R., Vitule, J.R.S., 2018. Invasive aquatic pets: failed policies increase risks of harmful invasions. Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 3037-3046 (IF 2017 = 2.828)

Patoka, J., Wardiatno, Y., Mashar, A., Yonvitner, Wowor, D., Jerikho, R., Takdir, M., Purnamasari, L., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L., Kouba, A., Bláha, M., 2018. Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens), widespread throughout Indonesia. BioInvasions Records 7: 185-189. (IF 2017 = 1.189)

Putra, M.D., Bláha, M., Wardiatno, Y., Krisanti, M., Yonvitner, Jerikho, R., Kamal, M.M., Mojžíšová, M., Bystřický, P.K., Kouba, A., Kalous, L., Petrusek, A., Patoka, J., 2018. Procambarus clarkii (Girard) and crayfish plague as new threats for biodiversity in Indonesia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 1434-1440. (IF 2017 = 2.988).

Stara, A., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2018. Biochemical and histological effects of sub-chronic exposure to atrazine in crayfish Cherax destructor. Chemico-Biological Interactions 291: 95-102. (IF 2017 = 3.296)

Yazicioglu, B., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Niksirat, H., 2018. Post-mating spermatophore storage strategies in two species of crayfish: Implications for broodstock management. Animal 12: 554-558. (IF 2017 = 1.870).

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2018. Chronic toxicity of metolachlor OA on growth, ontogenetic development, antioxidant biomarkers and histopathology of early life stages of marbled crayfish. Science of the Total Environment 643: 1456-1463. (IF 2017 = 4.610)

Lektorované odborné časopisy bez IF
Peer-reviewed journals without IF

Szendőfi, B., Bérces, S., Csányi, B., Gábris, V., Gál, B., Gönye, Zs., Répás, E., Seprős, R., Tóth, B., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., Weiperth, A., 2018. Occurrence of exotic fish and crayfish species in Barát and Dera creeks and their adjacent section of the River Danube. Pisces Hungarici 12: 47-51.

Gál, B., Gábris, V., Csányi, B., Cser, B., Danyik, T., Farkas, A., Farkas, J., Gebauer, R., Répás, E., Szajbert, B., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., Pãrvulescu, L., Weiperth, A., 2018. Present distribution of the invasive red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) and its effects on the fish fauna assemblages in some tributaries of the Hungarian section of the River Danube. Pisces Hungarici 12: 71–76.

Mezinárodní konference
International conferences

Hossain, M.D., Guo, W., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2018. High air humidity is sufficient for successful incubation and early postembryonic development of invasive freshwater crayfish. In: NEOBIOTA 2018, 10th International Conference on Biological Invasions: New Directions in Invasion Biology, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland, 3–7 September 2018, p. 77.

Kouba, A., 2018. Non-native crayfish species in the region and their effects on the environment. Regional Conference on River habitat restoration for inland fisheries in the Danube River basin and adjacent Black Sea areas. In: Conference Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania, 13–15 November 2018, p. 6.

Kouba, A., Lipták, B., Kubec, J., Bláha, M., Veselý, L., Niksirat, H., Patoka, J., Buřič, M., 2018. Survival, growth and speed of maturation: Comparison of marbled crayfish with four prominent crayfish invaders. In: NEOBIOTA 2018, 10th International Conference on Biological Invasions: New Directions in Invasion Biology, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland, 3–7 September 2018, p. 68.

Stará, A., Strouhová, A., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., Faggio, C., 2018. The effects of acute exposure of neonicotinoid insecticide on different species of crayfish. In: 91th SIBS Congress on the role of the Italian Society for Experimental Biology in the Italian research, Ancona, Italy, 9-10 November 2018. Abstract book, Journal of Biological Research 91(s1): 13 p.

Stara, A., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2018. The effect of atrazine on common yabby (Cherax destructor). In: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 13–17 May 2018, WE 454.

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Kubec, J., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2018. Effects of s-metolachlor and their metabolite metolachlor OA on early life stages of marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). In: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 13–17 May 2018, WE 454.

Guo, W., Hossain, M.D., Buric, M., Kouba, A., 2018. Marbled crayfish is able to rule over calico crayfish in agonistic interactions. In: NEOBIOTA 2018, 10th International Conference on Biological Invasions: New Directions in Invasion Biology, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland, 3–7 September 2018, p. 100.

Národní konference
National Conferences

Lipták, B., Veselý, L., Bláha, M., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., 2018.  Rak mramorovaný: speciácia, rozšírenie, ekológia a riziká. Zoológia 2018, Zvolen, Slovensko, 22–24. 11. 2018, s. 69.


Kouba, A., 2018. Raci a sucho – porovnání přežívání a norování původních a nepůvodních druhů. Vodohospodářský bulletin 10: 22-24.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer reviewed journals and their IF

Koutník, D., Stará, A., Zusková, E., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2017. The chronic effects of terbuthylazine-2-hydroxy on early life stages of marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 136: 29-33. (IF2016 = 2.590)

Lipták, B., Mojžišová, M., Gruľa, D., Christophoryová, J., Jablonski, D., Bláha, M., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A., 2017. Slovak section of the Danube has its well-established breeding ground of marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax f. virginalis. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418: 40. (IF2016 = 1.217)

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kalous, L., Kouba, A., 2017. Irresponsible vendors: alien, invasive and threatened animals stocked in garden ponds. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27:692-697. (IF 2016 = 3.130)

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2017. Cherax acherontis (Decapoda: Parastacidae), the first cave crayfish from the Southern Hemisphere (Papua Province, Indonesia). Zootaxa 4363: 137-144. (IF 2016 = 0.972)

Perdikaris, C., Konstantinidis, E., Georgiadis, C., Kouba, A., 2017. Freshwater crayfish distribution update and maps for Greece: combining literature and citizen-science data. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418: 51. (IF2016 = 1.217)

Uderbayev, T., Patoka, J., Beisembayev, R., Petrtýl, M., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2017. Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leading country in Central Asia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418: 30. (IF2016 = 1.217)

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Zuskova E., Kouba, A., 2017. Effects of three triazine metabolites and their mixture at environmentally relevant concentrations on early life stages of marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). Chemosphere 175: 440-445 (IF 2016 = 4.208)

Veselý, L., Boukal, D., Buřič, M., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Sentis, A., 2017. Effects of prey density, temperature and predator diversity on nonconsumptive predator-driven mortality in a freshwater food web. Scientific Reports 7: 18075 (IF2016 = 4.259).

Veselý, L., Hrbek, V., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., Sousa, R., Kouba, A., 2017. Salinity tolerance of marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax f. virginalis. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 418: 21. (IF2016 = 1.217)

Vodovsky, N., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., 2017. Ecosystem of Caspian Sea threatened by pet-traded non-indigenous crayfish. Biological Invasions 19: 2207-2217. (IF 2016 = 2,473)

Weiperth, A., Gál, B., Kuříková, P., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., 2017. Cambarellus patzcuarensis in Hungary: The first dwarf crayfish established outside of North America. Biologia 72: 1529-1532. (IF2016 = 0.759)

Uplatněné metodiky, patenty, poloprovozy, ověřené technologie
Application of methodologies, patents, pilot plants, verified technologies

Kouba, A., Hlaváč, D., Kuklina, I., Hamáčková, J., Másílko, J., Mráz, J., Kozák, P., Koubová, A., Buřič, M., 2017. Vermikompostování kalů ze sladkovodních akvakulturních recirkulačních systémů a zhodnocení kvality finálních vermikompostů a biomasy žížal. Ověřená technologie, FROV JU Vodňany, 49 s.

Knihy či kapitoly, monografie, skripta
Books or chapters, monographs, textbooks

Patoka, J., Buřič, M., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Ďuriš, Z., 2017. České názvy živočichů VIII. Desetinožci (Decapoda) infrařád rakotvární (Astacidea). Národní muzeum (zoologické oddělení), Praha, 86 s.

Mezinárodní konference
International Conferences

Gebauer, R., Veselý, L., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Drozd, D., 2017. Furtive threat: Two invasive gobiids in a simple predator-prey system in different temperature and prey density.  In: 10th European Symposium for Freshwater Sciences, 2-7 July 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic, p 41.

Gebauer, R., Divíšek, J., Buřič, M., Večeřa, M., Kouba, A., Drozd, D., 2017. Aquaculture industry as an important vector of alien aquatic species richness in the Czech Republic. In: Aquaculture Europe 2017, 17-20 October 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, p 110.

Hossain, M.S., Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., 2017. Placid but powerful: unexpected success of marbled crayfish over red-swamp crayfish. In: European Crayfish Conference 2017: The IAA Cruise 2017, 16-18 August 2017, Helsinki (Finland) and Stockholm (Sweden), p 33.

Kubec, J., Grabicová, K., Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Grabic, R., Randák, T., Buřič, M., 2017. Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of opioid painkiller and antidepressant drug on crayfish behavior. . In: European Crayfish Conference 2017: The IAA Cruise 2017, 16-18 August 2017, Helsinki (Finland) and Stockholm (Sweden), p 18.

Mrugała, A., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Chucholl, C., Veselý, L., Svoboda, J., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., 2017. The crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci and its potential dispersal pathways in Europe linked to ornamental trade. In: 10th European Symposium for Freshwater Sciences, 2-7 July 2017, Olomouc, Czech Republic, p 47.

Wei, G., Buřič, M., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., 2017. Red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii: economic importance but also environmental threat. In: The 3rd International Congress on Biological Invasions, 19-23 November 2017, Hangzhou, China, p. S1-14.


Patoka, J., Kouba, A., 2017. Počátek invaze raka mramorovaného v ČR? Fórum ochrany přírody 3: 41-43.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., 2016. Unrecognized diversity in New Guinean crayfish species (Decapoda, Parastacidae): the evidence from molecular data. Integrative Zoology 11, 447-458. (IF2015 = 1.722)

Bláha, M., Žurovcová, M., Kouba, A., Policar, T., Kozák, P., 2016. Founder event and its effect on the genetic variation in translocated populations of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). Journal of Applied Genetics 57 (1): 99-106. (IF 2015 = 1.929)

Buřič, M., Fořt, M., Bláha, M., Veselý, L., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., 2016. Crayfish bury their own exuviae - a newly discovered behavioral pattern in decapods. SpringerPlus 5 (1): 1674. (IF2015=0.982)

Chupani, L., Zusková, E., Stará, A., Velíšek, J., Kouba, A., 2016. Histological changes and antioxidant enzyme activity in signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) associated with sub-acute peracetic acid exposure. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 48: 190–195. (IF 2015 = 3.025)

Kotovska, G., Khrystenko, D., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., 2016. East European crayfish stocks at risk: arrival of non-indigenous crayfish species. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 417: 37. (IF2014 = 0.978)

Kouba, A., Tíkal, J., Císař, P., Veselý, L., Fořt, M., Příborský, J., Patoka, J., Buřič, M., 2016. The significance of droughts for hyporheic dwellers: evidence from freshwater crayfish. Scientific Reports 6: 26569. (IF2015 =5.228)

Lidová, J., Stará, A., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J. 2016. The effects of cypermethrin on oxidative stress and antioxidant biomarkers in marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). Neuroendocrinology Letters 37 (Suppl. 1): 53-59. (IF 2015 = 0.946)

Lipták, B., Mrugała, A., Pekárik, L., Mutkovič, A., Gruľa, D., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A., 2016.  Expansion of the marbled crayfish in Slovakia: beginning of an invasion in the Danube catchment? Journal of Limnology 75: 305-312. (IF 2015 = 1.725)

Mrugała, A., Veselý, L., Petrusek, A., Viljamaa-Dirks, S., Kouba, A., 2016. May Cherax destructor contribute to Aphanomyces astaci spread in Central Europe? Aquatic invasions 11 (4): 459-468. (IF 2015 = 1.955)

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., 2016. Subcellular localization of calcium deposits in the noble crayfish Astacus astacus spermatophore: implications for post-mating spermatophore hardening and spermatozoon maturation. Journal of Morphology 277: 445-452. (IF 2015 = 1.521)

Niksirat, H., Vancová, M., Andersson, L., James, P., Kouba, A., Kozák, P. (2016). Protein modification in the post-mating spermatophore of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus: insight into the tyrosine phosphorylation in a non-motile spermatozoon. Animal Reproduction Science 172: 123-130. (IF 2015 = 1.377)

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kalous, L., Vrabec, V., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., 2016. Potential pest transfer mediated by international ornamental plant trade. Scientific Reports 6: 25896. (IF2015 =5.228)

Patoka, J., Buřič, M., Kolář, V., Bláha, M., Petrtýl, M., Franta, P., Tropek, R., Kalous, L., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A., 2016. Predictions of marbled crayfish establishment in conurbations fulfilled: evidences from the Czech Republic. Biologia, 71 (12): 1380-1385. (IF2015 = 0.719)

Stará, A., Zusková, E., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2016. Effects of terbuthylazine-desethyl, a terbuthylazine degradation product, on red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Science of the Total Environment 566-567: 733-740. (IF 2015 = 3.976)

Yazicioglu, B., Hamr, Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., 2016. Fine structure of the spermatozoon in three species of Cambaridae (Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda) Cambarus robustus, Orconectes propinquus and Orconectes rusticus: A comparative biometrical study. PeerJ 4:e2363. (IF 2015=2.183)

Mezinárodní konference
International Conferences

Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Buřič, M., 2016. Mate choice in spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus, Rafinesque 1817): females prefer males from the same population, males not. In: 21st Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 21), 5-8 September 2016, Madrid, Spain, p. 43.

Kozák, P., Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Voldřich, M., Dědič, R., Janoušek, J., Pautslina, A., Císař, P., 2016. Could crayfish care about safety of beer? - A long way from the research to the practical use. In: 21st Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 21), 5-8 September 2016, Madrid, Spain, p. 33.

Kozák, P., Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Voldřich, M., Dědič, R., Janoušek, J., Pautslina, A., Císař, P., 2016. Early warning system for detection of water quality changes using crayfish as bioindicator. In: FABA, 3-5 November 2016, Antalya, Turkey, p. 217.

Lidová, J., Stará, A., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2016. The effect of cypermethrin on oxidative    stres and antioxidant biomarkers in marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). In: 21st Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference TOXCON 2016. 22-24 June 2016, The High Tatras - Stará Lesná, Slovakia, p. 44.

Mrugała, A., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Chucholl, C., Kawaii, T., Kouba, A., Svoboda, J., Veselý, L., Viljamaa-Dirks, S., Petrusek, A., 2016. The crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci: pathways, vectors and potential consequences of its spread in the introduced ranges. In: 21st Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 21), 5-8 September 2016, Madrid, Spain, p. 20.

Veselý, L., Bláha, M., Buřič, M., Fořt, M., Pešek, V., Kozák, P., Ruokonen, T.J., Ercoli, F., Kouba, A., 2016. Crayfish role in a canyon-shaped reservoir: case study from the Nýrsko, Czech Republic. In: 21st Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 21), 5-8 September 2016, Madrid, Spain, p. 28.

Yazicioglu, B., Hamr, P., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., 2016. Fine structure of the spermatozoon in three Species of (Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda) Cambarus robustus, Orconectes propinquus and Orconectes rusticus: a comparative biometrical study. In: 21st Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 21), 5-8 September 2016, Madrid, Spain, p. 44.

Yazicioglu, B., Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Hamr, P., Kozák, P., 2016. Can biometrical data of spermatozoa provide a tool to distinguish freshwater crayfish species. In: FABA, 3-5 November 2016, Antalya, Turkey, p. 94.

Národní konference
National Conferences

Bláha, M., Žurovcová, M., Kouba, A., Policar, T., Kozák, P., 2016. Genetická diverzita v nově založených populacích raka říčního (Astacus astacus). In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 31.

Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Veselý, L., Kozák, P., 2016. Role raků v koktejlu invazních druhů ve vnitrozemských vodách. In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 32.

Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., Kozák, P., 2016. Rozšíření raků v Evropě: aktualizace map. In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 68.

Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Kuklina, I., Fořt, M., Veselý, L., Policar, T., 2016. Záchranné transfery raků. In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 29.

Kubec, J., Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2016. Morfologické změny stěny spermatoforu a spermie raka bahenního (Astacus leptodactylus). In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 35.

Lipták, B., Kouba, A., 2016. Non-indigenous crayfish species in Slovakia. In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 33.

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2016. New crayfish species from West Papua, Indonesia imported via pet trade to the Czech Republic. In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 69.

Veselý, L., Buřič, M., Hudec, O., Kouba, A., 2016. Mohou teplomilní raci přežít nehledě na nízké teploty v průběhu zimy? In: Sborník abstraktů z XV. České rybářské a ichtyologické konference (RybIKon 2016), 4.-5. února 2016, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, s. 34.


Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2016. Cherax gherardiiae první druh raka popsaný díky české akvaristice. Akvárium 33: 22-25.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Buřič, M., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Drozd, B., 2015. Upstream expansion of round goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) – first record in the upper reaches of the Elbe river. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 416 (32): 1-5. (IF 2014 = 0.928)

Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., Bláha, M., 2015. Comparative ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the redclaw Cherax quadricarinatus and the yabby Cherax destructor (Decapoda, Parastacidae). Micron 69: 56-61. (IF2014 = 1.988)

Niksirat, H., James, P., Andersson, L., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2015. Label-free protein quantification in freshly ejaculated versus post-mating spermatophores of the noble crayfish Astacus astacus. Journal of Proteomics 123: 70-77. (IF 2014 = 3.888)

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2015. Ultrastructure of egg activation and cortical reaction in the noble crayfish Astacus astacus. Micron 68: 115-121. (IF2014 = 1.988)

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2015. Cherax (Astaconephrops) gherardii, a new crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from West Papua, Indonesia. Zootaxa 3964 (5): 526-536. (IF 2014 = 0.906)

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., 2015. Cherax (Cherax) subterigneus, a new crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from West Papua, Indonesia. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35 (6): 830-838. (IF 2014 = 1.081)

Veselý, L., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., 2015. Hardy exotics species in temperate zone: Can "warm water" crayfish invaders establish regardless of low temperatures? Scientific Reports 5: 16340. (IF2014 = 5.578)

Uplatněné metodiky, patenty, poloprovozy, ověřené technologie
Application of methodologies, patents, pilot plants, verified technologies

Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., Kozák, P., 2015. Zařízení a testovací souprava pro testování působení xenobiotik obsažených ve vodě na vodní živočichy. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ČR, užitný vzor č. 28150.

Kozák, P., Císař, P., Kouba, A., Kuklina, I., Pautsina, A., 2015. Způsob etologického sledování korýšů a/nebo měkkýšů a etologický systém pro sledování chování korýšů a/nebo měkkýšů. Úřad průmyslového vlastnicí ČR, patent č. 305212.

Knihy či kapitoly, monografie, skripta
Books or chapters, monographs, textbooks

Kozák, P., Ďuriš, Z., Petrusek, A., Buřič, M., Horká, I., Kouba, A., Kozubíková-Balzarová, E., Policar, T., 2015. Crayfish Biology and Culture. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Vodňany, CZE, 456 pp.

Kozák, P., Ďuriš, Z., Petrusek, A., Buřič, M., Horká, I., Kouba, A., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Policar, T., 2015. Biologie a chov raků. 2. upravené vydání, FROV JU, Vodňany, 429 s.

Mezinárodní konference
International conferences

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., 2015. Hidden genetic diversity in ornamental crayfish Cherax sp. from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 40.

Buřič, M., Veselý, L., Kouba, A., 2015. Molting and growth of adult signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana 1852): Effective investments due to seasonal morphological changes? In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 61.

Fořt, M., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Veselý, L., Kozák, P., 2015. Aggressive interspecific interactions in non-native crayfish species. . In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 62.

Chupani, L., Zusková, E., Kouba, A., Stará, A., Velíšek, J., 2015. Investigation on histopathological alterations of sub-acute peracetic acid exposure to signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). In: Book of abstracts. 20th Interdisciplinary Toxicology Conference TOXCON 2015, 27-29 May 2015, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 60.

Kouba, A., Tíkal, J., Císař, P., Veselý, L., Fořt, M., Příborský, J., Buřič, M., 2015. The impact of simulated drought on vertical burrowing activity in eight crayfish species. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 15.

Kozák, P., Kuklina, I., Císař, P., Pautsina, A., Kouba, A., 2015. System for real-time monitoring of etho-physiological parameters in crayfish. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 66.

Lipták, B., Janský, V., Kouba, A., 2015. Update of the non-indigenous crayfish species in Slovakia. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 52.

Mrugała, A., Veselý, L., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A., 2015. Will low winter temparatures and Aphanomyces astaci limit Cherax destructor survival in Central Europe? In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 25.

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2015. Egg activation and formation of attachment stalk in noble crayfish Astacus astacus. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 71.

Svoboda, J., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Fischer, D., Šťástková, A., Brůčková, M., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., 2015. Experiments on the crayfish plague pathogen transmission through the digestive system of warm-blooded predators. In: European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 79.    

Veselý, L., Sentis, A., Kuklina, I., Buřič, M., Fořt, M., Yazicioglu, B., Prchal, M., Boukal, D., Kouba, A., 2015. Effects of temperature and resource density on prey-predator complex system. European Crayfish Conference: Research and Management, 9-12 April 2015, Landau, Germany, p. 17.

Národní konference
National conferences

Koutník, D., Stará, A., Lidová, J., Zusková, E., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2015. Vliv metribuzinu na raka signálního (Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana 1852). In: Sborník abstraktů XVI. toxikologická konference – Toxicita a biodegradabilita odpadů a látek významných ve vodním prostředí, 26-28.8. 2015, Vodňany, s. 20.


Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., 2015. Noví račí přivandrovalci v evropských vodách [New alien species of crayfish in European waters]. Živa 5: 268-270.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., Kozák, P., 2014. Continental-wide distribution of crayfish species in Europe: update and maps. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 413 (2): 5. (IF 2013 = 0.622)

Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., Stará, A., Masojídek, J., Kozák, P., 2014. Supplementation with sodium selenite and selenium-enriched microalgae biomass show varying effects on blood enzymes activities, antioxidant response and accumulation in common barbel (Barbus barbus). BioMed Research International: 408270. (formerly Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, IF2013 = 2.706)

Koutnik, D., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2014. The effect of subchronic metribuzin exposure to signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana 1852). Neuroendocrinology Letters 35 (Suppl. 2): 51-56. (IF2013 = 0.935)

Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Horká, I., Ďuriš, Z., Kozák, P., 2014. Accumulation of heavy metals in crayfish and fish from selected Czech reservoirs. BioMed Research International: 306103. (formerly Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, IF2013 = 2.706)

Kuklina, I., Sladkova, S., Kouba, A., Kholodkevich, S., Kozák, P. 2014. Investigation of chloramine-T impact on crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (Esch., 1823) cardiac activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21 (17): 10262-10269.  (IF2013 = 1.581)

Niksirat, H., Andersson, L., James, P., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2014. Proteomic profiling of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus egg and spermatophore. Animal Reproduction Science 149 (3-4): 335-344. (IF2013 = 1.581)

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2014. Post-mating morphological changes in the spermatozoon and spermatophore wall of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus: insight into a non-motile spermatozoon. Animal Reproduction Science 149 (3-4): 325-334. (IF2013 = 1.581)

Stará, A., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., 2014. Effect of chronic exposure to prometryne on oxidative stress and antioxidant response in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). BioMed Research International: 680131. (formerly Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, IF 2013 = 2.706)

Stara, A., Sergejova, M., Kozak, P., Masojidek, J., Velisek, J., Kouba, A., 2014. Resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to oxidative stress after chloramine-T treatment is increased by microalgae carotenoid-rich diet. Neuroendocrinology Letters 35 (Suppl. 2): 71-80. (IF2013 = 0.935)

Svoboda, J., Mrugała, A., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Kouba, A., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., Petrusek, A., 2014. Resistance to the crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci, in two freshwater shrimps. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 121: 97-104. (IF 2013 = 2.601)

Svoboda, J., Strand, D.A., Vralstad, T. Grandjean, F., Edsman, L., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Fristad, R.F., Koca, S.B., Petrusek, A., 2014. The crayfish plague pathogen can infect freshwaterinhabiting crabs. Freshwater Biology 59: 918-929. (IF 2013 = 2.905)

Velíšek, J., Svobodová, Z., Kouba, A., Li, Z.H., 2014. Fish and Crayfish Toxicology.  BioMed Research International: 768689. (formerly Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, IF 2013 = 2.706)

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Koutnik, D., Zuskova, E., Kouba, A., 2014. Effect of prometryne on early life stages of marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). Neuroendocrinology Letters 35 (Suppl. 2): 93-98. (IF2013 = 0.935)

Uplatněné metodiky, patenty, poloprovozy, ověřené technologie
Application of methodologies, patents, pilot plants, verified technologies

Pautsina, A., Císař, P., Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2014. Neinvazní čidlo. Užitný vzor č. 27114, Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ČR.

Mezinárodní konference
International Conferences

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., 2014. Phylogenetic pattern in ornamental crayfish Cherax sp. from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia. In: Abstract volume, 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8). 18-23 August 2014, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, p. 21.

Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., Bláha, M., Hamr, P., 2014. Spermatozoon ultrastructure in big water crayfish Cambarus robustus and Florida crayfish Procambarus alleni with focus on presence of acrosomal spike. In: 20th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 20), 22-26 September 2014, Sapporo, Japan, p. 92.

Koutnik, D., Stara, A., Zuskova, E., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2014. Effect of chronic exposure to meteribuzine on signal crayfish (Pacifastacus Leniusculus). In: Abstracts book of the 19th Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference TOXCON. 24-26 September 2014, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, Interdisciplinary Toxicology 7 (suppl. 1), p. 54.

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2014. Morphological evidences for the spermatozoon capacitation in the narrow-clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. In: 20th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA 20), 22-26 September 2014, Sapporo, Japan, p. 81.

Stara, A., Kouba, A., Kozak, P., Sergejova, M., Masojidek, J., Velisek, J., 2014: The assessment a feed diet with the supplement of microalgae biomass on common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In: Abstracts book of the 19th Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference TOXCON. 24-26 September 2014, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, Interdisciplinary Toxicology 7 (suppl. 1), p. 78.

Stara, A., Kouba, A., Velisek, J., 2014. Effect of chronic exposure to prometryne on red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). In: Abstracts of the 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2014). 7-10 September 2014, Edinburg, Scotland, UK, Toxicology Letters 229, suppl., pp. S105-S106.

Velisek, J., Kouba, A., Stara, A., Kozak, P., Sergejevova, M., Masojidek, J., 2014. Feed supplemented with microalgal biomass reduces oxidative stress in common carp. In: Abstracts book of the Konferencja szkoleniowo-naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Toksykologicznego. 17-19 September 2014, Olsztyn, Polsko, pp. 123-124

Velisek, J., Stara, A., Kouba, A., 2014. Effects of prometryne on histology in early life stages of marbled crayfish. In: Abstracts book of the 19th Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference TOXCON. 24-26 September 2014, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, Interdisciplinary Toxicology 7 (suppl. 1), pp. 85-86.

Veselý, L., Kouba, A., 2014. Surviving ornamental crayfish in Mid-European winter. In: Abstract volume, 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8). 18-23 August 2014, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, p. 216.

Národní konference
National conferences

Kouba, A., 2014. Nepůvodní druhy raků v Evropě [Non-indigenous crayfish species in Europe]. In: Sborník z konference Invazivní akvaristické druhy živočichů, České Budějovice, ČR, 9. 12. 2014, s. 26-27.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Reproductive plasticity in freshwater invader: from long-term sperm storage to parthenogenesis. PLoS ONE 8 (10): e77597. (IF 2012 = 3.730)

Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Mahovská, I., Máchová, J., Kozák, P., 2013. Toxicity of the organophosphate pesticide diazinon to crayfish of differing age. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10 (3): 607-610. (IF 2012 = 1.844)

Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., Kuklina, I., Buřič, M., Kozák, P., 2013. Ultraviolet light and semi-recirculating systems in artificial incubation of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) eggs: opportunities and limitations. Aquaculture Research 44 (1): 67-74. (IF 2012 = 1.422)

Kouba, A., Sales, J., Sergejevová, M., Kozák, P., Masojídek, J., 2013. Colour intensity in angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) as influenced by dietary microalgae addition. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (1): 193-199. (IF 2012 = 0.902)

Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Real-time monitoring of water quality using fish and crayfish as bio-indicators: a review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (6): 5043-5053. (IF 2012 = 1.592)

Mestre, A., Aguilar‐Alberola, J. A., Baldry, D., Balkis, H., Ellis, A., Gil‐Delgado, J. A., Grabow, K., Klobučar, G., Kouba, A., Maguire, I., Martens, A., Mulayim, A., Rueda, J., Scharf, B., Soes, M., Monrós, J.S., Mesquita‐Joanes, F., 2013. Invasion biology in non‐free‐living species: interactions between abiotic (climatic) and biotic (host availability) factors in geographical space in crayfish commensals (Ostracoda, Entocytheridae). Ecology and Evolution 3 (16): 5237-5253. (IF 2012 = 1.184)

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Pšenička, M., Kuklina, I., Kozák, P., 2013. Ultrastructure of spermatozoa from three genera of crayfish Orconectes, Procambarus and Astacus (Decapoda: Astacoidea): new findings and comparisons. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 252 (2): 226-233. (IF 2012 = 1.400)

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Rodina, M., Kozák, P., 2013. Comparative ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of three crayfish species: Austropotamobius torrentium, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Astacus astacus (Decapoda: Astacidae). Journal of Morphology 274 (7): 750-758. (IF 2012 = 1.602)

Svoboda, J., Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Kozák, P., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., Petrusek, A., 2013. Temporal dynamics of spore release of the crayfish plague pathogen from its natural host, American spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus), evaluated by transmission experiments. Parasitology 140 (6): 792-801. (IF 2012 = 2.355)

Velisek J., Kouba A., Stara A., 2013. Acute toxicity of triazine pesticides to juvenile signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) Neuroendocrinology Letters 34 (Suppl. 2): 31-36. (IF 2012 = 0.932)

Uplatněné metodiky, patenty, poloprovozy, ověřené technologie
Application of methodologies, patents, pilot plants, verified technologies

Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Metodika značení raků. Edice Metodik (technologická řada), FROV JU Vodňany, č. 130, 48s.

Knihy či kapitoly, monografie, skripta
Books or chapters, monographs, textbooks

Kozák, P., Ďuriš, Z., Petrusek, A., Buřič, M., Horká, I., Kouba, A., Kozubíková, E., Policar, T., 2013. Biologie a chov raků. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod, Vodňany, 1. vydání, 418 s.

Mezinárodní konference
International conferences

Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Policar, T., Kozák, P., 2013. Noble crayfish translocation: genetic consequences. In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September, 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 4.

Kouba, A., Niksirat, H., Kozák, P., 2013. Spermatozoan ultrastructure of the redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) and yabby (Cherax destructor). In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 46.

Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Distribution update of crayfish species in Europe. In: Summer meeting of The Crustacean Society, 7–11 July 2013, San José, Costa Rica, p. 184.

Kozák, P., Bláha, M., Kubec, J., Yazicioglu, B., Kouba, A., 2013. Hybridisation experiment between Astacus astacus and Astacus leptodactylus. In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 21.

Kozák, P., Kubec, J., Niksirat, H.H., Kouba, A., 2013. Repeated electrostimulation of spermatophore extrusion in signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and case study on using this method in other crayfish species. In: Summer meeting of The Crustacean Society, 7-11 July 2013, San José, Costa Rica, p. 267.

Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Pautsina, A., Císař, P., Kozák, P., 2013. Impact of seasonal soil fertilizers on crayfish cardiac and behavioral activity. In: Divesification in Inland Finfish Aquqculture II. Abstract book from conference DIFA II 2013, 24-26 September 2013, Vodňany, Czech Republic, p. 36.

Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Pautsina, A., Císař, P., Kozák, P., 2013. Crayfish cardiac and behavioral reactions to daily occasions simulated in laboratory conditions. In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 22.

Mestre, A., Aguilar-Alberola, J.A., Baldry, D., Balkis, H., Ellis, A., Grabow, K., Gil-Delgado, J.A., Klobucar, G.I.V., Kouba, A., Mülayim, A., Maguire, I., Martens, A., Monrós, J.S., Rueda, J., Scharf, B., Soes, M., Mesquita-Joanes, F., 2013. Crayfishes hosting enthocytherid ostracods in Europe. In: 17th International Symposium on Ostracoda, 23-26 July 2013, Rome, Italy, p. 233-235.

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Spermatozoon ultrastructure of spiny-cheek crayfish Orconectes limosus (Rafinesque, 1817). In: Divesification in Inland Finfish Aquqculture II. Abstract book from conference DIFA II 2013, 24-26 September 2013, Vodňany, Czech Republic, p. 88.

Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Speramatozoan ultrastructure of the endangered stone crayfish Austropotamobius terrentium (Schrank, 1803). In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 51.

Stará, A., Kouba, A., Velíšek, J., Masojídek, J., Kozák, P., 2013. Comparing the impact of various forms of selenium (inorganic vs. organic bound in the biomass of microalgae) in the diet of signal crayfih (Pacifastacus leniusculus). In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 59.

Svoboda, J., Mrugala, A, Kozubíková-Balcarová, E., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., Petrusek, A., 2013. Experimental infection of freshwater shrimps with the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci. In: Regional European Crayfish Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 26-29 September 2013, Rovinj, Croatia, p. 30.

Yazicioglu, B., Kuklina, I., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2013. Growth pattern evaluation of spiny-cheek crayfish based on age and sex differences. In: Divesification in Inland Finfish Aquqculture II. Abstract book from conference DIFA II 2013, 24-26 September 2013, Vodňany, Czech Republic, p. 111.


Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Salon, F., 2013. Aktuální stav výzkumu raků v NP a CHKO Šumava. Šumava (jaro 2013): 8-9.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Kouba, A., Kuklina, I., Niksirat, H., Máchová, J., Kozák, P., 2012. Tolerance of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) to Persteril 36 supports use of peracetic acid in astaciculture. Aquaculture 350-353: 71-74. (IF 2011 = 2.041)

Perdikaris, C., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Konstantinidis, E., Paschos, I., 2012. Socio-economic drivers and non-indigenous freshwater crayfish species in Europe. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 404 (1): 1p1-1p8. (IF 2011 = 1.520)

Podhorec, P., Socha, M., Sokolowska-Mikolajczyk, M., Policar, T., Švinger, V.W., Gosiewski, G., Kouba, A., Kouřil, J., 2012. The effects of water temperature and hormonal treatments on circulating LH and ovulation in tench (Tinca tinca). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22 (3): 791-796. (IF 2011 = 2.500)

Svoboda, J., Kozubíková, E., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Bahadir Koca, S., Diler, Ö., Diler, I., Policar, T., Petrusek, A., 2012. PCR detection of the crayfish plague pathogen in narrow-clawed crayfish inhabiting Lake Eğirdir in Turkey. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 98 (3): 255-259. (IF 2011 = 2.201)

Lektorované odborné časopisy bez IF
Peer-reviewed journals without IF

Kubec, J., Niksirat, H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2012. Elektrostimulace spermiace u raka signálního (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 48 (3): 5-17.

Uplatněné metodiky, patenty, poloprovozy, ověřené technologie
Application of methodologies, patents, pilot plants, verified technologies

Urban, J., Sergejevová, M., Slepičková, I., Kouba, A., Štys, D., Masojídek, J., 2012. Hodnocení změn vybarvení okrasných ryb. Edice Metodik (technologická řada), FROV JU Vodňany, č. 131, 47 s.

Mezinárodní konference
International conferences

Kouba, A., Kuklina, I., Niksirat, H., Máchová, J., Kozák, P., 2012. Acute toxicity of peracetic acid to the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus): possible therapeutic treatments in crayfish culture? In: 19th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA), 26-31 August 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 76.

Kozák, P., Kubec, J., Kouba, A., Niksirat, H.N., 2012. Electrostimulation of spermatophore extrusion in signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. In: 19th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA), 26-31 August 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 77.

Kuklina, I., Císař, P., Pautsina, A., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2012. Continuous monitoring of crayfish heart activity based on non-invasive method. In: AQUA 2012, 1-5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 595.

Kuklina, I., Sladkova, S., Kouba, A., Kholodkevich, S., Kozák, P., 2012. Narrow-clawed crayfish as real-time bio-indicator: can it detect overdosed disinfection compounds in drinking water chloramination? In: 19th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA), 26-31 August 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 78.

Masojídek, J., Sergejevová, M., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2012. Microalgae biomass enriched with carotenoids as feed supplement for freshwater ornamentals. In: AQUA 2012, 1-5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 690.

Niksirat, H.H., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., 2012. Ultrastructure of sperm of Pacifastacus leniusculus using cryo-scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In: 19th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA), 26-31 August 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 27.

Sergejevová, M., Kouba, A., Kozák, P., Kopecký, J., Velíšek, J., Stará, A., Masojídek, J., 2012. Oxidative stress in yearlings cammon carp Cyprinus carpio is reduced by Chlorella feed supplement. In: AQUA 2012, 1-5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1015.

Svoboda, J., Kozubíková, E., Kozák, P., Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., Petrusek, A., 2012. Temporal dynamics of spore release of the crayfish plague pathogen from its American vector. In: 19th Symposium of International Association of Astacology (IAA), 26-31 August 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 100.

Lektorované odborné časopisy s IF
Peer-reviewed journals and their IF

Buřič, M., Hulák, M., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A., Kozák, P., 2011. A successful crayfish invader is capable of facultative parthenogenesis: a novel reproductive mode in decapod crustaceans. PLoS ONE 6 (5): e20281. (IF 2010 = 4.411)

Kouba, A., Buřič, M., Policar, T., Kozák, P. 2011. Evaluation of body appendage injuries to juvenile signal crayfish (Pacifastacus

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