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Mgr. Veronika Krajíčková, Ph.D.

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Mgr. Veronika Krajíčková, PhD. is a graduate of the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Her dissertation, entitled “The Problem of the Fixity of Tables: Virginia Woolf as a Non-Dualist and Process-Oriented Thinker”, focused on Virginia Woolf’s fiction analysed by means of process philosophy. This link with process-oriented philosophy enables the analysis of Woolf’s rejection of dualisms, for example the subject and the object, or the human and the nonhuman. She was awarded Prof. Martin Hilský Prize for the Best Dissertation in 2021. Veronika is mainly interested in English and American modernism, particularly in modernist women authors such as Woolf, Mansfield, Barnes, or Rhys, but also in contemporary British fiction. In the past, she spent a term at the University of Kent in Canterbury (2019/2020), as a part of her doctoral studies, and at Université Paris-Sorbonne (2015/2016), as a part of her MA studies in English and French literature at the University of South Bohemia. She is a member of the International Virginia Woolf Society, the European Society for Process Thought, International Process Network and Anna Pammrová Society and she has presented papers at various conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad. She is also a student and early career researcher representative of the International Process Network. Her first monograph, Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker, was published in 2023: She has published a couple of translations of Woolf's essays in Host literary magazine. She contributes regularly to the online literary magazine

Veronika Krajíčková supervises BA or MA theses on the topics of feminism, Virginia Woolf, literary modernism, modernism and art, modernism and philosophy, modernism and nature, time in literature, British female authors, gender studies, literature and philosophy or Gothic fiction. 

Creative activity



Krajíčková, Veronika. Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker: Parallels between Woolf’s Fiction and Process Philosophy. London, Lexington Books, 2023.

Journal Articles

Krajíčková, Veronika. “Search for Beauty and Vivid Values in the Everyday: Virginia Woolf and Process Aesthetics.” Philosophy, Economics, and Law Review, vol. 2, no. 1, 2022, pp. 26-41. 

Krajíčková, Veronika. “Virginia Woolf’s ‘Ontoethics’ in her Late Oeuvre from the Perspective of Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism.” Process Studies, vol. 50, no. 2, 2021, pp. 222-241.

Geyerová, Veronika. “Merged Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s Works.” Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 2018, pp. 58-66.

Chapters in Academic Monographs

Geyerová, Veronika. "Virginia Woolf and her Manifestations of Consciousness as the Integral Part of Material Reality." Neofilologia: Perspektywy Transdyscyplinarnosci, edited by Beata Ptaszynska, et al. Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskkiego, 2021, pp. 87-97.


Krajíčková, Veronika. "Existují okraje estetické zkušenosti?" A review of Dadejík, Ondřej. Na okrajích umění : Kapitoly z rozostřené hranice mezi uměním a životem. Svět literatury, vol. 33, no. 68, 2023, pp. 145-148.

Krajíčková, Veronika. "Aesthetic Experience as the Ground for Alfred North Whitehead’s Thought?" A review of Dadejík, Ondřej et al. Process and Aesthetics: An Outline of Whiteheadian Aesthetics. Process Studies vol. 51, no. 1, 2022, pp. 131-135. 


Krajíčková, Veronika. "Proč se nebát Virginie Woolfové." Moderní divadlo, no. 1, 2024, pp. 8-11. 

Krajíčková, Veronika. "Eseje Virginie Woolfové o nadčasových tématech a předjímání problémů",, 21 January 2022,


Borders, Margins, Cartographies: Transnational Modernist Women's Writing (2024, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia): "Women as  Magnifying Glasses and Muses of Czech Literary Modernism: The Case of Otokar Březina and Anna Pammrová."

Philosophy Nowadays: Philosophical Approaches on Cultural Heritage, Resilient Communities and Future Times (2024, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, online participation): "A Living Whole of Related Entities: T.S. Eliot and Alfred North Whitehead on the Coexistence of the Traditional and the Individual, the Old and the New, the Past and the Present."

Social and Humanitarian Dimensions of Lawful State Conference (2023, Dnipropetrovsk State of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine, online participation): "Virginia Woolf and Alfred North Whitehead: Their Thoughts on Education (and Peace)."

3th International Whitehead Conference (2023, Munich School of Philosophy, Munich, Germany): "The Possibility of Whiteheadian Literary Criticism."

31th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf (2022, Lamar University, Texas, USA, online conference): “Virginia Woolf’s Beauty-Oriented Ethics and Ecology.”

6th European Summer School in Process Thought (2021, Katowice, online conference): “My roots go down to the depths of the world”: Proto-Environmental Thought in Virginia Woolf’s Oeuvre and Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism.”

30th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf (2021, University of South Dakota, USA, online conference): “Virginia Woolf’s Concept of Identity and Community Via Whitehead’s Moral Philosophy of Organism.”

New Work in Modernist Studies Conference (2020, organized by British Association of Modernist Studies, Edinburgh, online conference): “Virginia Woolf and Process-Oriented Ontology.”

29th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf (2019, Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA): “Unifying and Equalizing Tendencies in Woolf’s Fiction from the Perspective of Process Philosophy.”

5th European Summer School in Process Thought (2018, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice): “Reading Virginia Woolf from the Perspective of Process Philosophy.”

Hradec Králové Conference of Anglophone Studies (2018, Hradec Králové University): “Merged Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s Works.”

Transdisciplinary PhD Conference at the University of Warsaw (2018, Warsaw): “Virginia Woolf and her Manifestations of Consciousness as the Integral Part of Material Reality.”


Work-in-Process Seminar (19 January 2024, European Society for Process Thought, online participation): "Reading Modernism Differently Via Whitehead’s Metaphysics of Experience, Feeling and Value."

Filologický klub (16 October 2024, Kruh moderních filologů, University of South Bohemia): "Virginia Woolfová jako procesuální filozofka."


“Anglo-American Modernist Women Authors” (Charles University, Winter Term 2020/2021)

“Virginia Woolf: Various Thematic and Critical Approaches” (Charles University, Summer Term 2020/2021)


Mathewson, R.L. Hra s Láskou, Mladá fronta 2015.

Woolf, Virginia. “Náčrt minulosti” (a part of “A Sketch of the Past”), Host, no. 6 (2015): pp. 62-67.

Woolf, Virginia. “O nemoci” (“On Being Ill”), Host, no. 7 (2021).

Woolf, Virginia. “Myšlenky na mír během náletu” (“Thoughts on Peace in An Air Raid”), Host, no. 4 (2022)





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