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prof. PhDr. Miloslav Lapka, CSc.

  • Unit:
    EF Department of Regional Management and Law | Professor
    EF Department of Regional Management and Law | Head
    TF Department of Education | External Collaborator
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Miloslav Lapka

University of South Bohemia

Faculty of Economics

Department of Regional Management

Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic

+420 387 772 760T/  +420 387 772 760

M/ +420 602 474 360

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Bc:  Charles University in Prague,  Faculty of Arts  Majors:  Cultural Studies (1978-1982)

MA: Charles University in Prague  Faculty of Arts  Majors:  Cultural Studies, Aesthetics (1982)

Scholarship: Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Majors: Landscape Ecology,   1982-1984

PhD. : Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic  Majors:  Social Ecology , (1984 – 1988). Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,   Majors:  Sociology  (1986 – 1988).

Associated Professor: Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Major:  Regional and Social Development, 2017

Research Interest

His research interest include environmental sociology, rural sociology, landscape ecology and cultural ecology. He has been involved in methodology of interdisciplinary research and educational activities as well.

Dr. Lapka  led the effort to establish the interdisciplinary team working in sustainable development in landscape scale, including social, economic, cultural and of course environmental aspects. Since 1990 in Institute of Landscape Ecology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, later from 2008 until now in Faculty of Economy University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice and Faculty of Art, Charles University Prague.


Employment History

Present Positions:

Head  of Department of Regional Management and Law,  Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia 2010 – present

Associated Professor of Regional and Social Development, Department of Regional Regional Management and Law ,  Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia 2017 – present
Associated Professor, East and Central European Studies courses, (ECES), Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague,  2017-  present



Previous Positions:

Vice-Dean for Science and Research Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia 2015 – present (First Vice-Dean)

Assistant  Professor,  East and Central European Studies courses (ECES), Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague,  2014-  2017

Assistant Professor, East and Central European Studies courses, (ECES), Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, 2010 - 2014

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Development, Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, 2008 – 2017

Assistant Professor, Cultural Ecology courses, Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague 1991-2014

Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Systems Biology and Ecology Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 2004 – 2008

Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 1989 – 1998

Research Assistant Professor, Chairman of Sector for Landscape Ecology, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 1999 - 2006

Curator of National Museum of Agriculture, 2006 - 2010

Research Assistant Professor, Chairman of Department of Socio-Ecology, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 2004 – 2008


Scientific councils, committees and organizations

Committee for PhD awarding, Major: Social Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 1998 - 2000

Scientific council,  Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, member, 1990 – 1997

Scientific council,  Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, chair, 1997 – 2004

Academic assembly of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 1998 - 2006

Scientific council National Museum of Agriculture, chair, 2006- present

Scientific council Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, member, 2015-2019

Scientific council University of South Bohemia,  member  2017- 2019

Scientific council, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, member, 2018 – present

Doctoral study council Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, member, 2019 – present  


Editorial Board Agriculture Economics (IF, Q2) 2019 - present

IALE - CZ (International Association for Landscape Ecology, Czech Republic), member of executive committee.  2020 – present 


International Collaborations and Activities

Greek: International Association Cosmos and Philosophy. Since 1992 – 2005, included organization of the conference The nature of Human Beings in the Cosmos. Praque, 2000, auspice Academy of Science of the Czech Republic

IALE - International Association on Landscape Ecology, included organization of International Conference „Present and Historical Nature-Cultural Interactions in Landscapes“ (Experiences for the 3rd Millennium). Czech Association on Landscape Ecology and Charles University of Prague, 1998, 1997 – present

Japan:  “From landscape perception to landscape planning.“  Czech-Japan Project, 2002-2004. Lapka, M. - Responsible scholar for the Czech collaborates. Team. Cudlínová Eva, Maxa, Josef.  Program KONTAKT ME 530



University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. College of Human Environmental Sciences and Department of Rural Sociology - Institute for Landscape Ecology and (beginning 2007) Institute for Systems Biology and Ecology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Ceske Budejovice) - Collaboration with institute researchers on research projects and international conferences since 1993. Formal Memorandum of Understanding signed in 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, and 2010. Co-sponsored international conferences on Ecology and Democracy in 1994, Globalization, Democracy, and Ecology in 2001, and Towards an Environmental Future, 2012.

Joint projects on landscape ecology and environmental sociology initiated in 1994. Research funded by Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Ministry of Education, and the U.S. National Science Foundation:

“Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Affecting Rural Landscapes in the Czech Republic and U.S. Midwest.“ Project NSF-USA and Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, 1997 – 2000. Lapka, M. - Responsible for the Czech partners. Team: E. Cudlínová, M. Gottlieb, J. Maxa. Responsible for the USA partners: J.S. Rikoon, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.  Program KONTAKT ME 052 

„Competing visions about future development of rural areas.“ 2005-2007. Project NSF-USA and Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic.  M. Lapka, Responsible for the Czech partners. Team: E. Cudlínová, J. Maxa. Responsible for the USA partners: J.S. Rikoon, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.  Program KONTAKT 1P04ME750 

University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. - University of South Bohemia (Ceske Budejovice) – Collaboration especially with the Faculty of Economics and, within this college, the Department of European Union Structural Adjustment and Rural Development. Formal Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2011, renewed 2015. Faculty exchanges in 2010 and 2011, US graduate student exchange in Summer 2009, Czech post-doc at MU in 2013-2014 and Czech graduate students at MU in 2013-2014.

University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri – Research Centre: Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia, USA. 2018 - PRESENT


European Projects

EU Frameworks

(4  RP EU): „Land, Culture & Crisis: from productionist success to fiscal & environmental impasse on European farms 1940-1990.“ EC – SEER project, 1994-1996. Lapka M. - Responsible scholar for the Czech collaborates. Team:  Cudlínová, E., Gottlieb, M., Bartoš, M.,  Těšitel,  J. PECO: CCIPD 3510PL920245

(5RP EU): SPRITE. „Supporting and Promoting  Integrated Tourism in Europe`s Lagging Rural Regions“.  EU project within the Fifth Framework. SPRITE  2002-2004. Contract number QLK5  CT2000-01211. Responsible for the Czech collaborates: Cudlínová, E., Lapka, M., Těsitel, J. Team: M. Bartoš, D. Kušová, J. Maxa

6RP EU: MULTAGRI. „Capitalisation of research results on the multifuncionality of agriculture and rural areas.“ 2004-2005. Cudlínová, E., Lapka. M., (coordinators of WP2), Maxa, J. SSA 6th EU Framework. GOCE-CT-2003-505297-MULTAGRI

7RP EU: „GILDED – Governance, Infrastructure, Lifestyle Dynamics and Energy Demand: European Post-Carbon Communities.“ FP7 SSH 2007 No: 225383. Responsible for the Czech collaborates: Cudlínová, E.,  Team: Lapka, M., Líšková, Z.+ 2 Phd. students, 2008 – 2011. (20)

7RP EU: „REFRESH 2010-2014 Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European fresh water ecosystem.“ Leader - Martin Kernan Environmental Change Research Centre University College London, Coordinator CZE – Hejzlar, J.  Coordinator WP6 socio-economics impacts: Lapka, M., Cudlínová, E.

H2020: POWER4BIO: emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of European BIOeconomy 2018-2021. Responsible for the Czech collaborates: Cudlínová, E. Team: M. Lapka,  J. Vávra, J. Maxa. Z. Dvořáková – Líšková, M. Šlachta, 2 PhD. students


EU COST Programs

COST 2006-2009: „Changes and Challenges for Rural Community and Rural Landscape.“ COST A 35 Progressore. Program OC128 A 35. MSMT a EU. Responsible for the Czech partners: Lapka, M.  Team: E. Cudlínová, J. Maxa.

COST 2014-2015: “Cultural sustainability: Land-People and Art. Concepts and good practice”. MSMT – 8634/2014-1, COST LD14118. COST Action IS 1007.  Responsible for the Czech collaborates: Lapka, M. Team: E. Cudlínová, J. Vávra, J. Maxa.

COST 2018 – 2021: Action CA16229, European Network for Environmental Citizenship, Vávra, J. Team:  M. Lapka, E. Cudlínová, J. Maxa.


Out-of Europe projects:  KONTAKT

USA - U.S. National Science Foundation and Czech Academy of Sciences,

“Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Affecting Rural Landscapes in the Czech Republic and U.S. Midwest.“ Project NSF-USA and Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, 1997 – 2000. Lapka, M. - Responsible for the Czech partners. Team: E. Cudlínová, M. Gottlieb, J. Maxa. Responsible for the USA partners: J.S. Rikoon, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.  Program KONTAKT ME 052 

„Competing visions about future development of rural areas.“ 2005-2007. Project NSF-USA and Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic.  M. Lapka, Responsible for the Czech partners. Team: E. Cudlínová, J. Maxa. Responsible for the USA partners: J.S. Rikoon, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.  Program KONTAKT 1P04ME750 

Japan:  “From landscape perception to landscape planning.“  Czech-Japan Project, 2002-2004. Lapka, M. - Responsible scholar for the Czech collaborates. Team. Cudlínová Eva, Maxa, Josef.  Program KONTAKT ME 530


National projects (actual)

GAČR 2019-2021.  Spaces of Quiet Sustainability. Responsible scholars. P. Daněk,  P. Jehlička, J. Vávra, M. Lapka (Prostory tiché udržitelnosti. Samozásobitelství a sdílení)  GAČR 19-10694S


Refereed Publications: Journals IF see OBD system


Creative activity


Research Interest

His research interest include environmental sociology, rural sociology, landscape ecology and cultural ecology. He has been involved in methodology of interdisciplinary research and educational activities as well.

Dr. Lapka  led the effort to establish the interdisciplinary team working in sustainable development in landscape scale, including social, economic, cultural and of course environmental aspects. Since 1990 in Institute of Landscape Ecology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, later from 2008 until now in Faculty of Economy University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice and Faculty of Art, Charles University Prague.

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