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doc. Michal Opatrný, Dr. theol.

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    TF Department of Social Work and Caritas Studies | Associate Professor
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Detail Authors Publication title Year Publication type Publication sub-type


Dr Michal Opatrný

Associate Professor for Social Work, Caritas Studies and Practical Theology


MA in Theology, University of South Bohemia, Czechia (2002)

PhD in Pastoral Theology and Caritas Studies, Catholic University of Linz, Austria (2008) 


6/1978, born in Prague

In 2005 married Eva Opatrná, children: Tereza, Tomáš and Kristina.


Academic career:

since 4/2016

Vice-dean for Science and Strategic Development, Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; 2010-2016 Vice-Dean for Research

since 7/2013

Head of the Department of Ethics and Charity Work, Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice


Habilitation at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Theology; Thesis for the habilitation: Social Work as Signs of the Times


Assistant Professor in the Department of Practical Theology Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice




Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
(Ref 3.3 - CZE - 1203686 - HFST-E)


Membership in professional associations and boards: 

since 9/2020

Member of ReDi: The International Society for the Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice

since 11/2019

Chairman of Post-Netzwerk (Network of Pastoral Theologians in Central and Eastern Europe based in Vienna); 2016-2019 Vice-Chairman; since 2002, Member


Member of Scientifc Board, ORDO SOCIALIS – Internationale Wissenschaftskommunikation für Christliche Sozialethik

since 1/2016

Member of Advisory Board, Diocesan Caritas České Budějovice

since 10/2011

Chairman of the editorial board of Caritas et Veritas journal, ISSN 1805-0948

since 10/2010

Member of the Scientific Board of Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice


Professional practice:

since 2017

Diocese České Budějovice: Permanent Deacon of the Catholic Church, Parish Hluboká nad Vltavou


Diocese of České Budějovice, Pastoral Assistant in the pastoral care in the parish (assistance in parishes Hluboká n/V, Purkarec, Kostelec, Zahájí)


Diocese of České Budějovice: Spiritual Assistant in the Diocesan Caritas České Budějovice


Diocese of Linz, Austria: Pastoral Assistant in the Department of Pastoral Care for Strangers and Migrants




Training in management of human resources (Trainer-und Beraternetzwerk Ost (Mittel) Europa)


University course Caritas/Diakonia; Katholische-Theologische Universität Linz,

Institut für Caritaswissenschaft

Creative activity


Postgraduate Education of Social Workers for the Field of Spirituality in Social Work in Social Services for Elderly

Project TAČR No TL03000376, 2020-2023

Role in the project: Principal investigator

More information:


Spirituality and Social Ethics in Social Work

Project Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership No 2018-1-CZ01-KA203-048104, 2019-2021

Role in the project: Leading investigator

More information:

Homepage of the project:


Professional training of prison chaplains in the context of prison

Project TAČR No TL02000390, 2019-2021

Role in the project: Co-investigator for the University of South Bohemia. Principal investigator: Dr Jan Váně, University of West Bohemia.

More information:


Barmherziger Samariter und Helfende Berufe

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Ref 3.3 - CZE - 1203686 - HFST-E

Role in the project: Principal investigator

Current schedule


Consultation: Tuesday 8:30-8:50 am

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