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Board of Trustees

Pursuant to Sections 7, 14, and 15 of Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to some other Acts (The Higher Education Act), the Board of Trustees of the University of South Bohemia began its operation on 1 April 1999.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education issues its prior written approval to:

  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to acquire or transfer title to immovable property,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to acquire or transfer title to movable assets whose value is five hundred times greater than the amount by which the assets are regarded as movable property, as
  • defined by a special regulation,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to establish an easement or right of first refusal,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to establish, liquidate or convert another legal entity and to make financial and non-financial investments into these and other legal entities.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education after approval by the Academic Senate:

  • discusses the report on internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector, and the amendments to this report,
  • approves the budget of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector,
  • approves the long-term strategy plan of the public institution of higher education,
  • discusses the annual activity report and the annual report on financial management of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education offers its suggestions and expresses opinions on the activities of the public institution of higher education that publishes.

The activity of the Board of Trustees is an act of general interest. This activity is concerned with preserving the purpose for which the public institution of higher education was established, applying public interest in its activities and the proper management of its property.

List of members of the Board of Trustees


  • Mgr. Ing. Miroslav Šimek
    Deputy Director
    State Land Office - Regional Office for the South Bohemian Region
    České Budějovice


  • Ing. Jiří Boček
    Former Director - Budějovický Budvar, n.p.
    České Budějovice

  • Ing. Hana Šťastná

    Director of the office of the Regional Agrarian Chamber of the South Bohemian Region and the District Agrarian Chamber of České Budějovice


  • Mgr. Zdeňka Erhartová
    Director, Secondary School and Higher Vocational School of Tourism,
    České Budějovice

  • Ing. Pavel Fantyš
    Section Director, Tax Office for the South Bohemian Region, Territorial Branch in Prachatice
    České Budějovice

  • Mgr. Karolína Gondková
    section of international relations, EU and ESIF, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Prague

  • Ing. Jan Hůda, Ph.D.
    Chairman of the Board of Rybářství Třeboň Hld., a.s.

  • Ing. Ivo Moravec
    Deputy Mayor for Public Property Administration, Public Procurement, Environment
    České Budějovice

  • MUDr. Jaroslav Novák, MBA
    Firts Deputy Chairman of the Board,
    Deputy General Manager and Manager of Surgical and Other Specialties of Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s.
    České Budějovice

  • Mgr. Antonín Sekyrka
    Director - High School, České Budějovice, Česká 64
    České Budějovice

  • Ing. František Štangl
    Director of the South Bohemian Museum in České Budějovice
    České Budějovice

  • Ing. Jaromír Talíř
    Chairman of the Financial Committee of the City Council of České Budějovice
    České Budějovice

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