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Let yourselves go cycling in the ABC Challenge!

01 06 2021 00:00 - 30 06 2021 00:00

About event

The University of South Bohemia has decided to participate in the Academic Bicycle Challenge this year to raise the University’s profile abroad, help promote a healthy lifestyle and to offer you a way of relieving all the winter stress.

The ABC Challenge is an international cycling competition for universities around the world and USB will be participating during the whole month of June 2021. It is clear that we cannot do it alone and we urgently need you to participate. Whether you cycle for fun, to work or to stay fit, all trips count and all collected kilometres will boost the overall result of the University. Join and support your University!

Participation rules

  • You can participate every day from 1 June to 30 June 2021.
  • Your average speed should be under 35 km/h and you should not go faster than 45 km/h (electric bicycles count but watch your speed!).
  • No single trip should be longer than 100 km (take breaks and don’t injure yourselves trying to win!).
  • All kinds of bicycles are allowed.
  • You can cycle anywhere you want. There is no restriction on location.

I don’t have a bike, what should I do?

We understand that you may not have bicycles with you but have no fear. You can use the popular rental bikes that are often available around the USB campus & the city. Go to the Rekola website to find out more and discover the city with Rekola Bikesharing.

Joining the challenge and recording trips

  • Please follow instructions at Naviki Contests | Tutorial
  • The contest you are joining is called ‘ABC 2021’ and the institution you should select is the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
  • Beware, there is a validation question that you need to answer (but it’s easy)!

In case of any questions, feel free to contact the USB marketing office - Mgr. Diana Kocábková, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Competition alert!

We take the challenge very seriously and we want the world to see that USB is a well-oiled team, but there is more. We will crown a Grand Champion right after the contest ends. To become the Grand Champion, you need to cycle the most kilometres of all participants from USB. Don’t forget to send a screenshot with the total number of kilometres in the first week of July. The Grand Champion will be rewarded with a basket of great prizes and will bask in the glow of eternal fame as the first cycling Grand Champion of USB.

However, we understand that becoming the Grand Champion is a tall order, so many of us will not be able to do it. Nothing is stopping us from being awesome though! The University plans to reward the 3 coolest participants with baskets of prizes as well. Follow our social media (Facebook/Instagram) and send us photos from your biking journeys (you can do that by posting your photo on our Facebook wall or tagging the University in your Instagram posts).

České Budějovice are an active cycling city that cares about nature.

The University of South Bohemia is part of it and we are ready to show the whole world just how great it is.

So just let yourselves go cycling!


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