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Strategy and Development

The Strategy and Development Office ensures coordination and drafting of strategic documents and other documents, which are specified as mandatory by Act 111/1998, or documents that are necessary for obtaining funds or that are required by the University for other reasons. The documents in question are predominantly Strategic plans and their updates, Annual reports on activities, Institutional plans, Central development programs. The activity of the Strategy and Development Office is directly dependant on interdepartmental cooperation in the context of the whole University.

The Strategy and Development Office provides administrative and technical support of the functioning of the agenda of the Board of Trustees. It also ensures and develops process procedures in order to improve the efficiency of the University’s administrative work.

The aim of the Strategy and Development Office is to perform activities entrusted to it on a professional quality level and with a relevant added value that undoubtedly plays an important role in the activities of a modern university. In addition, the Strategy and Development Office aims at performing its duties while limiting the administrative burden laid on the Faculties and other constituent parts of the University.

We are here for you

Contact information of the Department of Strategy and Development

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České Budějovice
We are at your disposal in an office on the 3rd floor of the Rectorate, door number 39.

The Staff of the Department

Ing. Lenka Smítalová
+420 389 03 2051, mobile: +420 602 424 19
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mgr. Barbora Štumpfová
tel.: +420 389 032 053
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Board of Trustees of USB

In accordance with § 7, 14 and 15 of Act No. 111/1998 of the Law Code, the Board of Trustees of the University of South Bohemia launched its activities on 1 April 1999.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education issues its prior written approval to:

  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to acquire or transfer title to immovable property,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to acquire or transfer title to movable assets whose value is five hundred times greater than the amount by which the assets are regarded as movable property, as defined by a special regulation,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to establish an easement or right of first refusal,
  • legal acts through which the public institution of higher education intends to establish, liquidate or convert another legal entity and to make financial and non-financial investments into these and other legal entities.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education after approval by the Academic Senate:

  • discusses the report on internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector, and the amendments to this report,
  • approves the budget of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector,
  • approves the long-term strategy plan of the public institution of higher education,
  • discusses the annual activity report and the annual report on financial management of the public institution of higher education, submitted by the Rector.

The Board of Trustees of the public institution of higher education offers its suggestions and expresses opinions on the activities of the public institution of higher education that publishes.

Activity of the Board of Trustees is an act of general interest. This activity is concerned with preserving the purpose for which the public institution of higher education was established, applying public interest in its activities and the proper management of its property.

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